[][src]Crate rowdy

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rowdy is a Rocket based JSON Web token based authentication server based off Docker Registry's authentication protocol.


  • simple_authenticator: A simple CSV based authenticator
  • ldap_authenticator: An LDAP based authenticator

By default, the simple_authenticator feature is turned on.

rowdy Authentication Flow

The authentication flow is inspired by Docker Registry authentication specification.

JSON Web Tokens

Authentication makes use of two types of JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Access and Refresh tokens.

Access Token

The access token is a short lived JWT that allows users to access resources within the scope that they are allowed to. The access token itself contains enough information for services to verify the user and their permissions in a stateless manner.

Refresh Token

The refresh token allows users to retrieve a new access token without needing to re-authenticate. As such, the refresh token is longer lived, but can be revoked.

Authentication Flow

  1. Client attempts to access a resource on a protected service.
  2. Service responds with a 401 Unauthorized authentication challenge with information on how to authenticate provided in the WWW-Authenticate response header.
  3. Using the information from the previous step, the client authenticates with the authentication server. The client will receive, among other information, opaque access and refresh tokens.
  4. The client retries the original request with the Bearer token embedded in the request’s Authorization header.
  5. The service authorizes the client by validating the Bearer token and the claim set embedded within it and proceeds as usual.

Authentication Challenge

Services will challenge users who do not provide a valid token via the HTTP response 401 Unauthorized. Details for authentication is provided in the WWW-Authenticate header.

Www-Authenticate: Bearer realm="https://www.auth.com",service="https://www.example.com",scope="all"

The realm field indicates the authentcation server endpoint which clients should proceed to authenticate against.

The service field indicates the service value that clients should use when attempting to authenticate at realm.

The scope field indicates the scope value that clients should use when attempting to authenticate at realm.

Retrieving an Access Token (and optionally Refresh Token) from the Authentication Server

A HTTP GET request should be made to the realm endpoint provided above. The endpoint will support the following uery paremeters:

  • service: The service that the client is authenticating for. This should be the same as the service value in the previous step
  • scope: The scope that the client wishes to authenticate for. This should be the same as the scope value in the previous step.
  • offline_token: Set to true if a refresh token is also required. Defaults to false. Cannot be set to true when using a refresh token to retrieve a new access token.

When authenticating for the first time, clients should send the user's username and passwords in the form of Basic authentication. If the client already has a prior refresh token and would like to obtain a new access token, the client should send the refresh token in the form of Bearer authentication.

If successful, the authentcation server will return a 200 OK response with a JSON body containing the following fields:

  • token: An opaque Access (Bearer) token that clients should supply to subsequent requests in the Authorization header.
  • expires_in: The duration in seconds since the token was issued that it will remain valid.
  • issued_at: RFC3339-serialized UTC standard time at which a given token was issued.
  • refresh_token: An opaque Refresh token which can be used to get additional access tokens for the same subject with different scopes. This token should be kept secure by the client and only sent to the authorization server which issues access tokens. This field will only be set when offline_token=true is provided in the request.

If this fails, the server will return with the appropriate 4xx response.

Using the Access Token

Once the client has a token, it will try the request again with the token placed in the HTTP Authorization header like so:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

Using the Refresh Token to Retrieve a New Access Token

When the client's Access token expires, and it has previously asked for a Refresh Token, the client can make a GET request to the same endpoint that the client used to retrieve the access token (the realm URL in an authentication challenge).

The steps are described in the section "Retrieving an Access Token" above. The process is the same as the initial authentication except that instead of using Basic authentication, the client should instead send the refresh token retrieved prior as Bearer authentication. Also, offline_token cannot be requested for when requesting for a new access token using a refresh token. (HTTP 401 will be returned if this happens.)


This example uses curl to make request to the some (hypothetical) protected endpoint. It requires jq to parse JSON.


# Save the response headers of our first request to the endpoint to get the Www-Authenticate
# header
curl --dump-header "${RESPONSE_HEADER}" "${PROTECTED_RESOURCE}"

# Extract the realm, the service, and the scope from the Www-Authenticate header
WWWAUTH=$(cat "${RESPONSE_HEADER}" | grep "Www-Authenticate")
REALM=$(echo "${WWWAUTH}" | grep -o '\(realm\)="[^"]*"' | cut -d '"' -f 2)
SERVICE=$(echo "${WWWAUTH}" | grep -o '\(service\)="[^"]*"' | cut -d '"' -f 2)
SCOPE=$(echo "${WWWAUTH}" | grep -o '\(scope\)="[^"]*"' | cut -d '"' -f 2)

# Build the URL to query the auth server

# Query the auth server to get a token -- replace the username and password
# below with the value from 1password
TOKEN=$(curl -s --user "mozart:password" "${AUTH_URL}")

# Get the access token from the JSON string: {"token": "...."}
ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo ${TOKEN} | jq .token | tr -d '"')

# Query the resource again, but this time with a bearer token
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" "${PROTECTED_RESOURCE}"

# Get the refresh token
REFRESH_TOKEN=$(echo "${TOKEN}" | jq .refresh_token | tr -d '"')

# Get a new access token
NEW_TOKEN=$(curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${REFRESH_TOKEN}" "${AUTH_URL}")

# Parse the new access token
NEW_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo "${TOKEN}" | jq .token | tr -d '"')

# Query the resource again, but this time with a new access token
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer ${NEW_ACCESS_TOKEN}" "${PROTECTED_RESOURCE}"


Not in use at the moment. Just use all.



Authentication module, including traits for identity provider and Responders for authentication.


Custom serde serialization and deserialization.


Authentication token structs, and methods



Rocket code generated wrapping URI macro.


Rocket code generated wrapping URI macro.


Rocket code generated wrapping URI macro.


Rocket code generated wrapping URI macro.



Application configuration. Usually deserialized from JSON for use.


Represents a JSON key/value type.


Wrapper around hyper::Url with Serialize and Deserialize implemented



A sequence of bytes, either as an array of unsigned 8 bit integers, or a string which will be treated as UTF-8. This enum is (de)serialized untagged.


Top level error enum


Represents any valid JSON value.



Convenience function to ignite and launch rowdy. This function will never return


Return routes provided by rowdy