rouille 0.1.6

High-level web framework
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Rouille developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.

//! The rouille library is very easy to get started with.
//! Listening to a port is done by calling the [`start_server`](fn.start_server.html) function:
//! ```no_run
//! use rouille::Request;
//! use rouille::Response;
//! rouille::start_server("", move |request| {
//!     Response::text("hello world")
//! });
//! ```
//! Whenever an HTTP request is received on the address passed as first parameter, the closure
//! passed as second parameter is called. This closure must then return a
//! [`Response`](struct.Response.html) that will be sent back to the client.
//! # Handling the request
//! The parameter that the closure receives is a [`Request`](struct.Request.html) object that
//! represents the request made by the client.
//! The `Request` object itself provides some getters, but most advanced functionnalities are
//! provided by other modules of this crate.
//! - In order to dispatch between various code depending on the URL, you can use the `router!`
//!   macro.
//! - In order to serve static files, use the `match_assets` function.
//! - ... TODO: write the rest


extern crate filetime;
extern crate multipart;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate time;
extern crate tiny_http;
extern crate url;

pub use assets::match_assets;
pub use log::LogEntry;
pub use input::{SessionsManager, Session, generate_session_id};
pub use response::{Response, ResponseBody};

use std::io::Read;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;

pub mod cgi;
pub mod input;

mod assets;
mod find_route;
mod log;
mod response;
mod router;

/// This macro assumes that the current function returns a `Result<_, RouteError>` and takes
/// a `Result`. If the expression you pass to the macro is an error, then a
/// `RouteError::WrongInput` is returned.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rouille;
/// # extern crate rustc_serialize;
/// # fn main() {
/// use rouille::Request;
/// use rouille::RouteError;
/// fn handle_something(request: &Request) -> Result<(), RouteError> {
///     #[derive(RustcDecodable)]
///     struct FormData {
///         field1: u32,
///         field2: String,
///     }
///     let _data: FormData = try_or_400!(rouille::input::get_post_input(request));
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! try_or_400 {
    ($result:expr) => (
        try!($result.map_err(|_| $crate::RouteError::WrongInput))

/// This macro assumes that the current function returns a `Result<_, RouteError>`. If the
/// condition you pass to the macro is false, then a `RouteError::WrongInput` is returned.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rouille;
/// # extern crate rustc_serialize;
/// # fn main() {
/// use rouille::Request;
/// use rouille::RouteError;
/// fn handle_something(request: &Request) -> Result<(), RouteError> {
///     #[derive(RustcDecodable)]
///     struct FormData {
///         field1: u32,
///         field2: String,
///     }
///     let data: FormData = try_or_400!(rouille::input::get_post_input(request));
///     assert_or_400!(data.field1 >= 2);
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! assert_or_400 {
    ($cond:expr) => (
        if !$cond {
            return Err($crate::RouteError::WrongInput);

/// An error that one of your routes can return.
/// This is just a convenience enum and you don't need to use it in your project
/// if you don't want to.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum RouteError {
    /// Couldn't find a way to handle this request.

    /// The user input is wrong.

    /// The user must be logged in.

    /// The user entered a wrong login or password.

    /// The user is logged in but shouldn't be there.

impl error::Error for RouteError {
    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        match self {
            &RouteError::NoRouteFound => {
                "Couldn't find a way to handle this request."
            &RouteError::WrongInput => {
                "The body of the request is malformed or missing something."
            &RouteError::LoginRequired => {
                "The client must be logged in before this request can be answered."
            &RouteError::WrongLoginPassword => {
                "The client attempted to login but entered a wrong login or password."
            &RouteError::NotAuthorized => {
                "The client is logged in but doesn't have the permission to access this resource."

impl fmt::Display for RouteError {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        write!(fmt, "{}", error::Error::description(self))

/// Starts a server and uses the given requests handler.
/// The request handler takes a `&Request` and must return a `Response` to send to the user.
/// # Common mistakes
/// The handler must capture its environment by value and not by reference (`'static`). If you
/// use closure, don't forget to put `move` in front of the closure.
/// The handler must also be thread-safe (`Send` and `Sync`).
/// For example this handler isn't thread-safe:
/// ```ignore
/// let mut requests_counter = 0;
/// rouille::start_server("localhost:80", move |request| {
///     requests_counter += 1;
///     // rest of the handler
/// })
/// ```
/// Multiple requests can be processed simultaneously, therefore you can't mutably access
/// variables from the outside.
/// Instead you must use a `Mutex`:
/// ```no_run
/// use std::sync::Mutex;
/// let requests_counter = Mutex::new(0);
/// rouille::start_server("localhost:80", move |request| {
///     *requests_counter.lock().unwrap() += 1;
///     // rest of the handler
/// # panic!()
/// })
/// ```
/// # Panic handling
/// If your request handler panicks, a 500 error will automatically be sent to the client.
pub fn start_server<A, F>(addr: A, handler: F) -> !
                          where A: ToSocketAddrs,
                                F: Send + Sync + 'static + Fn(&Request) -> Response
    let server = tiny_http::Server::http(addr).unwrap();
    let handler = Arc::new(handler);

    for mut request in server.incoming_requests() {
        // we spawn a thread in order to avoid crashing the server in case of a panic
        let handler = handler.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            // TODO: don't read the body in memory immediately
            let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(request.body_length().unwrap_or(0));
            request.as_reader().read_to_end(&mut data);     // TODO: handle error

            // building the `Request` object
            let rouille_request = Request {
                url: request.url().to_owned(),
                method: request.method().as_str().to_owned(),
                headers: request.headers().iter().map(|h| (h.field.to_string(), h.value.clone().into())).collect(),
                https: false,
                data: data,
                remote_addr: request.remote_addr().clone(),

            // calling the handler ; this most likely takes a lot of time
            let mut rouille_response = handler(&rouille_request);

            // writing the response
            let (res_data, res_len) =;
            let mut response = tiny_http::Response::empty(rouille_response.status_code)
                                            .with_data(res_data, res_len);

            for (key, value) in rouille_response.headers {
                if let Ok(header) = tiny_http::Header::from_bytes(key, value) {
                } else {
                    // TODO: ?



/// Represents a request that your handler must answer to.
/// This can be either a real request (received by the HTTP server) or a mock object created with
/// one of the `fake_*` constructors.
pub struct Request {
    method: String,
    url: String,
    headers: Vec<(String, String)>,
    https: bool,
    data: Vec<u8>,
    remote_addr: SocketAddr,

impl Request {
    /// Builds a fake HTTP request to be used during tests.
    /// The remote address of the client will be ``. Use `fake_http_from` to
    /// specify what the client's address should be.
    pub fn fake_http<U, M>(method: M, url: U, headers: Vec<(String, String)>, data: Vec<u8>)
                           -> Request where U: Into<String>, M: Into<String>
        Request {
            url: url.into(),
            method: method.into(),
            https: false,
            data: data,
            headers: headers,
            remote_addr: "".parse().unwrap(),

    /// Builds a fake HTTP request to be used during tests.
    pub fn fake_http_from<U, M>(from: SocketAddr, method: M, url: U,
                                headers: Vec<(String, String)>, data: Vec<u8>)
                                -> Request where U: Into<String>, M: Into<String>
        Request {
            url: url.into(),
            method: method.into(),
            https: false,
            data: data,
            headers: headers,
            remote_addr: from,

    /// Builds a fake HTTPS request to be used during tests.
    /// The remote address of the client will be ``. Use `fake_https_from` to
    /// specify what the client's address should be.
    pub fn fake_https<U, M>(method: M, url: U, headers: Vec<(String, String)>, data: Vec<u8>)
                            -> Request where U: Into<String>, M: Into<String>
        Request {
            url: url.into(),
            method: method.into(),
            https: true,
            data: data,
            headers: headers,
            remote_addr: "".parse().unwrap(),

    /// Builds a fake HTTPS request to be used during tests.
    pub fn fake_https_from<U, M>(from: SocketAddr, method: M, url: U,
                                 headers: Vec<(String, String)>, data: Vec<u8>)
                                 -> Request where U: Into<String>, M: Into<String>
        Request {
            url: url.into(),
            method: method.into(),
            https: true,
            data: data,
            headers: headers,
            remote_addr: from,

    /// If the decoded URL of the request starts with `prefix`, builds a new `Request` that is
    /// the same as the original but without that prefix.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use rouille::Request;
    /// # use rouille::Response;
    /// fn handle(request: &Request) -> Response {
    ///     if let Some(request) = request.remove_prefix("/static") {
    ///         if let Ok(r) = rouille::match_assets(&request, "/static") { return r; }
    ///     }
    ///     // ...
    ///     # panic!()
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn remove_prefix(&self, prefix: &str) -> Option<Request> {
        if !self.url().starts_with(prefix) {
            return None;
        // TODO: url-encoded characters in the prefix are not implemented
        Some(Request {
            method: self.method.clone(),
            url: self.url[prefix.len() ..].to_owned(),
            headers: self.headers.clone(),      // TODO: expensive
            https: self.https.clone(),
            data:,            // TODO: expensive
            remote_addr: self.remote_addr.clone(),

    /// Returns `true` if the request uses HTTPS instead of HTTP.
    pub fn secure(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the method of the request (`GET`, `POST`, etc.).
    pub fn method(&self) -> &str {

    /// Returns the raw URL requested by the client. It is not decoded and thus can contain strings
    /// such as `%20`, and the query parameters such as `?p=hello`.
    /// See also `url()`.
    pub fn raw_url(&self) -> &str {

    /// Returns the raw query string requested by the client. In other words, everything after the
    /// first `?` in the raw url.
    /// Returns the empty string if no query string.
    pub fn raw_query_string(&self) -> &str {
        if let Some(pos) = self.url.bytes().position(|c| c == b'?') {
            self.url.split_at(pos + 1).1
        } else {

    /// Returns the URL requested by the client.
    /// Contrary to `raw_url`, special characters have been decoded.
    /// If there is any non-unicode character in the URL, it will be replaced with `U+FFFD`.
    pub fn url(&self) -> String {
        let url = self.url.as_bytes();
        let url = if let Some(pos) = url.iter().position(|&c| c == b'?') {
        } else {


    /// Returns the value of a GET parameter.
    /// TODO: clumbsy
    pub fn get_param(&self, param_name: &str) -> Option<String> {
        let get_params = &self.raw_url()[self.raw_url().bytes().position(|c| c == b'?').unwrap_or(0) ..];

        // TODO: `hello=5` will be matched for param name `lo`

        let param = match get_params.rfind(&format!("{}=", param_name)) {
            Some(p) => p + param_name.len() + 1,
            None => return None,

        let value = match get_params.bytes().skip(param).position(|c| c == b'&') {
            None => &get_params[param..],
            Some(e) => &get_params[param .. e + param],


    /// Returns the value of a header of the request.
    /// Returns `None` if no such header could be found.
    pub fn header(&self, key: &str) -> Option<String> {
        self.headers.iter().find(|&&(ref k, _)| k.eq_ignore_ascii_case(key)).map(|&(_, ref v)| v.clone())

    /// UNSTABLE. Returns the body of the request.
    /// Will eventually return an object that implements `Read` instead of a `Vec<u8>`.
    pub fn data(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

    /// Returns the address of the client that made this request.
    pub fn remote_addr(&self) -> &SocketAddr {

mod tests {
    use super::Request;
    fn header() {
        let request = Request::fake_http("GET", "/", vec![("Host".to_owned(), "localhost".to_owned())], vec![]);
        assert_eq!(request.header("Host"), Some("localhost".to_owned()));
        assert_eq!(request.header("host"), Some("localhost".to_owned()));