initSidebarItems({"constant":[["MAX_BUF_SIZE","Maximum size of buffer allowed. Note: we assert on this size. Most network servers should set their own limits to something much smaller."]],"enum":[["Accept","Socket acceptor State Machine"],["Exception","An exception value that is received in `Protocol::exception` method"],["Expectation","This is an enumeration used to declare what next protocol is expecting"]],"struct":[["Buf",""],["Intent","A structure that encapsulates a state machine and an expectation"],["IntentBuilder","A helper class returned from `Intent::of()`"],["Persistent","Persistent client connection"],["ProtocolStop","Protocol returned None right at the start of the stream processing"],["Stream","A main stream state machine abstaction"],["Transport","Transport is thing that provides buffered I/O for stream sockets"]],"trait":[["Accepted","Trait which must be implemented for a state machine to accept connection"],["ActiveStream",""],["Protocol",""],["SocketError",""],["StreamSocket",""]]});