Module rokol::gfx[][src]

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Graphics (FFI)

Resource types

BakedResource implementations:

  • Buffer: index or vertex buffer
  • Image: 2D or 3D image
  • Pass: offscreen rendering pass
  • Pipeline: vertex-layouts, shader and render states
  • Shader: vertex and fragment shaders with shader-parameter declarations

Be sure to specify uniform names when making Shader.

Render loop

For example, for one frame with one screen rendering pass:




Defines what action should be performed at the start of a render pass:

The source and destination factors in blending operations.

Index | Vertex

", !=, >, >=, <, <=, true, false

Front | Back | None


The filtering mode when sampling a texture image

2D | 3D | Array | Cube

UInt16 | UInt32

Actions to be performed at the start of a rendering pass in begin_pass or begin_default_pass

Pixel format

Common subset of 3D primitive types supported across all 3D APIs. Field of PipelineDesc.

Update strategy of buffers and images

Float | SInt | UInt

Fs | Vs

Mat4 | Float | Float2 | Float3 | Float4

Data type of a vertex component

The texture coordinates wrapping mode when sampling a texture image



Appends vertices/indices to vertex/index buffer

Applies buffer Bindings: vertex/index buffer and images

Applies Pipeline: vertex-layouts, shader and render states)

Applies uniform data to shader

Screen rendering pass. Pass framebuffer size as arguments

Screen rendering pass. Pass framebuffer size as arguments

Offscreeen rendering pass

[Non-Sokol] Helper for creating dynamic vertex buffer

draw(base_elems, n_elems, n_instances)

[Non-Sokol] Helper for creating index buffer

[Non-Sokol] Helper for creating index buffer

Discard output fragments outside of this rectangle

Sets up sokol_gfx.h. You’d want to use glue code in this crate.

[Non-Sokol] Helper for making shaders

Cleans up sokol_gfx.h

Uploads vertices/indices to vertex/index buffer

Only one update per frame is allowed for buffer and image resources

[Non-Sokol] Helper for creating dynamic vertex buffer

[Non-Sokol] Helper for creating immutable vertex buffer

Output rectangle space

Type Definitions

Vertex/index buffer and image slots

(Resource) Handle (ID) of vertex | index buffer

An RGBA color value (f32)

(Resource) Handle (ID) of image

The width and height are scaled size (e.g. if on 2x DPI monitor display with 2560x1440 pixels, give scaled size of 1280x720.

(Resource) Handle(ID) of rendering pass

(Resource) Handle (ID) of pipeline object: vertex layouts, shader and render states

Can be created from &[u8]

Field of SetupDesc

setup parameters

(Resource) Handle (ID) of shader

Derive Macros

Implements LayoutDesc constructor (i.e., layout_desc method)