Module rodio::source

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Sources of sound and various filters.


Filter that modifies each sample by a given value.
Iterator that at the same time extracts data from the iterator and stores it in a buffer.
Combines channels in input into a single mono source, then plays that mono sound to each channel at the volume given for that channel.
A source that delays the given source by a certain amount.
When the inner source is empty this decrements an AtomicUsize.
An empty source.
Filter that modifies raises the volume from silence over a time period.
Internal type used by from_factory.
A source that chains sources provided by an iterator.
Filter that modifies each sample by a given value.
Calls a function on a source every time a period elapsed.
A source that repeats the given source.
An iterator that reads from a Source and converts the samples to a specific rate and channels count.
An infinite source that produces a sine.
A source that skips specified duration of the given source from it’s current position.
Combines channels in input into a single mono source, then plays that mono sound to each channel at the volume given for that channel.
Filter that modifies each sample by a given value.
A source that truncates the given source to a certain duration.
An iterator that reads from a Source and converts the samples to a specific rate and channels count.
An infinite source that produces zero.


A source of samples.


Builds a source that chains sources built from a factory.
Builds a source that chains sources provided by an iterator.

Type Definitions