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This module contains several traits that correspond to the Rocket traits pertaining to request guards and responses


Used as a return type for OpenApiFromRequest trait. Defines what requirements a Request Guard needs in order to be validated.


This trait is used to document the request body that implements FromData.

This trait is used to document multiple query guard segments that implement FromForm. For example ?<param> in the route’s query part.

This trait is used to document a query guard segment that implements FromFormField. For example ?<param> in the route’s query part.

This trait is used to document a dynamic part of a path that implements FromParam. For example <user_id> in route path.

Trait that needs to be implemented for all types that implement FromRequest. This trait specifies what headers or other parameters are required for this Request Guards to be validated successfully.

This trait is used to document a dynamic path segment that implements FromSegments. For example <param..> in route path.


Given an object that implements the JsonSchema generate all the Parameter that are used to create documentation. Use when manually implementing a Form Guard.

Derive Macros

Derive marco for the OpenApiFromRequest trait.