rocket-include-static-resources 0.4.0

This is a crate which provides macros `static_resources_initialize!` and `static_response!` to statically include files from your Rust project and make them be the HTTP response sources quickly.
Build #113937 2018-08-24T07:57:46.301227+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.28.0-dev (b9bf4f162 2018-06-02)
# version
cratesfyi 0.5.0 (579f83b 2018-03-05)

# build log
Build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
Updating registry ``
Downloading rocket-include-static-resources v0.4.0
Fresh traitobject v0.1.0
Fresh void v1.0.2
Fresh version_check v0.1.4
Fresh libc v0.2.43
Fresh pear v0.0.20
Fresh language-tags v0.2.2
Fresh siphasher v0.2.3
Fresh percent-encoding v1.0.1
Fresh memoffset v0.2.1
Fresh num_cpus v1.8.0
Fresh time v0.1.40
Fresh typeable v0.1.2
Fresh gcc v0.3.54
Fresh isatty v0.1.8
Fresh byteorder v1.2.4
Fresh cfg-if v0.1.5
Fresh lazy_static v1.1.0
Fresh memchr v2.0.1
Fresh scopeguard v0.3.3
Fresh nodrop v0.1.12
Fresh safemem v0.2.0
Fresh lazy_static v0.2.11
Fresh log v0.4.4
Fresh crossbeam-utils v0.2.2
Fresh crc-any v1.0.0
Fresh ordermap v0.2.13
Fresh unreachable v1.0.0
Fresh arrayvec v0.4.7
Fresh base64 v0.6.0
Fresh log v0.3.9
Fresh unicase v1.4.2
Fresh matches v0.1.8
Fresh smallvec v0.6.5
Fresh crossbeam-epoch v0.3.1
Fresh untrusted v0.5.1
Fresh mime v0.2.6
Fresh phf_shared v0.7.22
Fresh unicode-bidi v0.3.4
Fresh yansi v0.4.0
Fresh crossbeam-deque v0.2.0
Fresh state v0.4.1
Fresh serde v1.0.74
Fresh unicode-normalization v0.1.7
Fresh phf v0.7.22
Fresh base64 v0.9.2
Fresh httparse v1.3.2
Fresh rayon-core v1.4.1
Fresh toml v0.4.6
Fresh idna v0.1.5
Fresh rand v0.4.3
Compiling rocket_codegen v0.3.16
Fresh rayon v0.7.1
Compiling pear_codegen v0.0.20
Fresh url v1.7.1
Fresh phf_generator v0.7.22
Running `/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/build/rocket_codegen-69c541e719a99984/build-script-build`
Running `/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/build/pear_codegen-cedcea3521f1ec56/build-script-build`
Fresh phf_codegen v0.7.22
Fresh hyper v0.10.13
Fresh ring v0.11.0
Fresh cookie v0.9.2
Fresh mime_guess v1.8.6
error: failed to run custom build command for `rocket_codegen v0.3.16`
process didn't exit successfully: `/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/build/rocket_codegen-69c541e719a99984/build-script-build` (exit code: 101)
--- stderr
Error: Rocket codegen requires a more recent version of rustc.
Use `rustup update` or your preferred method to update Rust.
Installed version is: 1.28.0-dev (2018-06-02). Minimum required: 1.30.0-nightly (2018-08-23).
thread 'main' panicked at 'Aborting compilation due to incompatible compiler.', .cargo/registry/src/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

thread 'main' panicked at 'Error(
build failed
State {
next_error: None,
backtrace: None
)', src/bin/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.