[][src]Crate robust_geo

Implementation of the floating point expansions found in Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates by Shewchuk in a more Rusty style. Double precision only.



Returns a positive number if d is inside the oriented circle that goes through a, b, c, a negative number if it lies outside, and 0 if a, b, c, d are cocircular or a, b, c are collinear. If a, b, c are in counterclockwise order, "inside the circle" is the inside. If a, b, c are in clockwise order, "inside the circle" is the outside.


Returns a positive number if e is inside the oriented sphere that goes through a, b, c, d, a negative number if it lies outside, and 0 if a, b, c, d, e are cospherical or a, b, c, d are coplanar. If a, b, c, d are oriented positive, "inside the sphere" is the inside. If a, b, c, d are oriented negative, "inside the sphere" is the outside.


Compares the magnitude of a and b and returns a positive number if a's magnitude is greater, a negative number if b's magnitude is greater, and 0 if their magnitudes equal.


Compares the magnitude of a and b and returns a positive number if a's magnitude is greater, a negative number if b's magnitude is greater, and 0 if their magnitudes equal.


Calculates the orientation of points a, b, c in a plane. Returns a positive number if they define a left turn, a negative number if they define a right turn, and 0 if they are collinear.


Calculates the orientation of points a, b, c, d in a space. Returns a positive number if bcd defines a left turn when looked at from a, a negative number if they define a right turn, and 0 if a, b, c, d are coplanar.


Computes the determinant of the following matrix


Computes the determinant of the following matrix


Computes the determinant of the following matrix