rhoast_client_v03 0.1.0

The Rho vision utility library
# The Rhoast Client

This crate allows you to easily communicate with a running version `0.13.x` node using typed safe rust
via the node's grpc and http modules.

 // example of a grpc propose and getting a block via hash
 use rhoast_client_v03::grpc::Grpc;
 use rhoast_client_v03::proto::casper::BlocksQueryByHeight;
  let grpc=Grpc::new("endpoint");
  let propose = grpc.propose(true).await.unwrap();

 //for grpc stream actions like visualize_dag_util_stream, show_main_chain_util_stream, show_blocks_util_stream,
 // get_blocks_by_height_util_stream  pass in a function that takes in the returned value of the stream
 // as well as how many stream events should be listned to, passing in None as the number of optional stream event
 // would make the grpc listen forever

 let block_query=BlocksQueryByHeight{
     start_block_number: 1,
     end_block_number: 40
 fn write_stream_to_file(input: &BlockInfoResponse){
 //write input to file
 grpc.get_blocks_by_height_util_stream(block_query, write_stream_to_file, Some(40)).await.unwrap();


Link to doc [here](https://docs.rs/rhoast_client_v03/0.1.0/rhoast_client_v03/index.html)

### Test
- To run test exec `URL=http://server_url PORT=port_number cargo test` if no URL env var is provided, all test would be skipped