Crate retroimg

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Retroimg processing library.

Convert images to appear to be displayed on retro IBM hardware. It can also be used to reduce the color depth of existing images for use in DOS game development.

See the various functions in this module (and the submodule color) for more information.



  • Color depth manipulation module


  • SNAFU context selector for the ResolutionError::Non variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the ResolutionError::RatioWithoutSide variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the ResolutionError::TooMany variant



  • Crop an image to the given borders.
  • This is just another name for a nearest neighbor resize.
  • This is just another name for a cubic resize.
  • Identify the intended output resolution based on a combination of the input resolution, the desired output dimensions, and/or the pixel ratio.