pub struct ResultFloat<F>(_);
Expand description

A floating point number that cannot store NaN.

Usually there is no need to access this struct directly, and instead one of aliases like Rf32 or Rf64 could be used instead.


Constructs a ResultFloat with the given value.

Returns Err if the value is NaN.

use result_float::{rf, ResultFloat};

assert_eq!(ResultFloat::new(1.0)?, rf(1.0)?);

Returns the underlying float value.

use result_float::rf;

assert_eq!(rf(3.14)?.raw(), 3.14);

Returns true if this value is positive infinity or negative infinity and false otherwise.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let f = rf(7.0)?;
let inf = rf(f64::INFINITY)?;
let neg_inf = rf(f64::NEG_INFINITY)?;


Returns true if this number is not infinite.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let f = rf(7.0f64)?;
let inf = rf(f64::INFINITY)?;
let neg_inf = rf(f64::NEG_INFINITY)?;


Returns true if the number is neither zero, infinite, or subnormal.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let min = rf(f64::MIN_POSITIVE)?; // 2.2250738585072014e-308f64
let max = rf(f64::MAX)?;
let lower_than_min = rf(1.0e-308_f64)?;
let zero = rf(0.0f64)?;


// Values between `0` and `min` are Subnormal.

Returns the floating point category of the number. If only one property is going to be tested, it is generally faster to use the specific predicate instead.

use result_float::rf;
use std::num::FpCategory;
use std::f64;

let num = rf(12.4)?;
let inf = rf(f64::INFINITY)?;

assert_eq!(num.classify(), FpCategory::Normal);
assert_eq!(inf.classify(), FpCategory::Infinite);

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.

use result_float::rf;

let f = rf(3.99)?;
let g = rf(3.0)?;

assert_eq!(f.floor(), rf(3.0)?);
assert_eq!(g.floor(), rf(3.0)?);

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.

use result_float::rf;

let f = rf(3.01)?;
let g = rf(4.0)?;

assert_eq!(f.ceil(), rf(4.0)?);
assert_eq!(g.ceil(), rf(4.0)?);

Returns the nearest integer to a number. Round half-way cases away from 0.0.

use result_float::rf;

let f = rf(3.3)?;
let g = rf(-3.3)?;

assert_eq!(f.round(), rf(3.0)?);
assert_eq!(g.round(), rf(-3.0)?);

Returns the integer part of a number.

use result_float::rf;

let f = rf(3.3)?;
let g = rf(-3.7)?;

assert_eq!(f.trunc(), rf(3.0)?);
assert_eq!(g.trunc(), rf(-3.0)?);

Returns the fractional part of a number.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(3.5)?;
let y = rf(-3.5)?;
let abs_difference_x = (x.fract()? - rf(0.5)?)?.abs();
let abs_difference_y = (y.fract()? - rf(-0.5)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference_x < rf(1e-10)?);
assert!(abs_difference_y < rf(1e-10)?);

Computes the absolute value of self.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let x = rf(3.5)?;
let y = rf(-3.5)?;

let abs_difference_x = (x.abs() - x)?.abs();
let abs_difference_y = (y.abs() - (-y))?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference_x < rf(1e-10)?);
assert!(abs_difference_y < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns a number that represents the sign of self.

  • 1.0 if the number is positive, +0.0 or INFINITY
  • -1.0 if the number is negative, -0.0 or NEG_INFINITY
use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let f = rf(3.5)?;

assert_eq!(f.signum(), rf(1.0)?);
assert_eq!(rf(f64::NEG_INFINITY)?.signum(), rf(-1.0)?);

Returns true if and only if self has a positive sign, including +0.0 and positive infinity.

use result_float::rf;
let f = rf(7.0)?;
let g = rf(-7.0)?;


Returns true if and only if self has a negative sign, including -0.0 and negative infinity.

use result_float::rf;

let f = rf(7.0)?;
let g = rf(-7.0)?;


Takes the reciprocal (inverse) of a number, 1/x.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(2.0)?;
let abs_difference = (x.recip() - (rf(1.0)?/x)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Raises a number to an integer power.

Using this function is generally faster than using powf. Additionally, this function cannot return an error value.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(2.0)?;
let abs_difference = (x.powi(2) - (x*x)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Converts degrees to radians.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64::consts::PI;

let angle = rf(180.0)?;

let abs_difference = (angle.to_radians()? - rf(PI)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Converts degrees to radians.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64::consts::PI;

let angle = rf(180.0)?;

let abs_difference = (angle.to_radians()? - rf(PI)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Fused multiply-add. Computes (self * a) + b with only one rounding error. This produces a more accurate result with better performance than a separate multiplication operation followed by an add.

use result_float::rf;

let m = rf(10.0)?;
let x = rf(4.0)?;
let b = rf(60.0)?;

// 100.0
let abs_difference = (m.mul_add(x, b)? - ((m*x)? + b)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Raises a number to a floating point power.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(2.0)?;
let abs_difference = (x.powf(rf(2.0)?)? - (x*x)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Takes the square root of a number.

Returns NaN if self is a negative number.

use result_float::rf;

let positive = rf(4.0)?;
let negative = rf(-4.0)?;

let abs_difference = (positive.sqrt()? - rf(2.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns e^(self), (the exponential function).

use result_float::rf;

let one = rf(1.0)?;
// e^1
let e = one.exp();

// ln(e) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (e.ln()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns 2^(self).

use result_float::rf;

let f = rf(2.0)?;

// 2^2 - 4 == 0
let abs_difference = (f.exp2() - rf(4.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns the natural logarithm of the number.

use result_float::rf;

let one = rf(1.0)?;
// e^1
let e = one.exp();

// ln(e) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (e.ln()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns the logarithm of the number with respect to an arbitrary base.

The result may not be correctly rounded owing to implementation details; self.log2() can produce more accurate results for base 2, and self.log10() can produce more accurate results for base 10.

use result_float::rf;

let five = rf(5.0)?;

// log5(5) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (five.log(rf(5.0)?)? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number.

use result_float::rf;

let two = rf(2.0)?;

// log2(2) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (two.log2()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number.

use result_float::rf;

let ten = rf(10.0)?;

// log10(10) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (ten.log10()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Takes the cubic root of a number.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(8.0)?;

// x^(1/3) - 2 == 0
let abs_difference = (x.cbrt() - rf(2.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Calculates the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle given legs of length x and y.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(2.0)?;
let y = rf(3.0)?;

// sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
let abs_difference = (x.hypot(y) - (x.powi(2) + y.powi(2))?.sqrt()?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Computes the sine of a number (in radians).

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let x = (rf(f64::consts::PI)? / rf(2.0)?)?;

let abs_difference = (x.sin()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Computes the cosine of a number (in radians).

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let x = (rf(2.0)? * rf(f64::consts::PI)?)?;

let abs_difference = (x.cos()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Computes the tangent of a number (in radians).

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let x = (rf(f64::consts::PI)? / rf(4.0)?)?;
let abs_difference = (x.tan()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-14)?);

Computes the arcsine of a number. Return value is in radians in the range [-pi/2, pi/2] or NaN if the number is outside the range [-1, 1].

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let f = (rf(f64::consts::PI)? / rf(2.0)?)?;

// asin(sin(pi/2))
let abs_difference = (f.sin()?.asin()? - (rf(f64::consts::PI)? / rf(2.0)?)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Computes the arccosine of a number. Return value is in radians in the range [0, pi] or NaN if the number is outside the range [-1, 1].

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let f = (rf(f64::consts::PI)? / rf(4.0)?)?;

// acos(cos(pi/4))
let abs_difference = (f.cos()?.acos()? - (rf(f64::consts::PI)? / rf(4.0)?)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Computes the arctangent of a number. Return value is in radians in the range [-pi/2, pi/2];

use result_float::rf;

let f = rf(1.0)?;

// atan(tan(1))
let abs_difference = (f.tan()?.atan() - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Computes the four quadrant arctangent of self (y) and other (x) in radians.

  • x = 0, y = 0: 0
  • x >= 0: arctan(y/x) -> [-pi/2, pi/2]
  • y >= 0: arctan(y/x) + pi -> (pi/2, pi]
  • y < 0: arctan(y/x) - pi -> (-pi, -pi/2)
use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let pi = rf(f64::consts::PI)?;
// Positive angles measured counter-clockwise
// from positive x axis
// -pi/4 radians (45 deg clockwise)
let x1 = rf(3.0)?;
let y1 = -rf(3.0)?;

// 3pi/4 radians (135 deg counter-clockwise)
let x2 = -rf(3.0)?;
let y2 = rf(3.0)?;

let abs_difference_1 = (y1.atan2(x1) - (-pi/rf(4.0)?)?)?.abs();
let abs_difference_2 = (y2.atan2(x2) - ((rf(3.0)?*pi)?/rf(4.0)?)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference_1 < rf(1e-10)?);
assert!(abs_difference_2 < rf(1e-10)?);

Simultaneously computes the sine and cosine of the number, x. Returns (sin(x), cos(x)).

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let x = (rf(f64::consts::PI)?/rf(4.0)?)?;
let f = x.sin_cos()?;

let abs_difference_0 = (f.0 - x.sin()?)?.abs();
let abs_difference_1 = (f.1 - x.cos()?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference_0 < rf(1e-10)?);
assert!(abs_difference_1 < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns e^(self) - 1 in a way that is accurate even if the number is close to zero.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(7.0)?;

// e^(ln(7)) - 1
let abs_difference = (x.ln()?.exp_m1() - rf(6.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Returns ln(1+n) (natural logarithm) more accurately than if the operations were performed separately.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let x = (rf(f64::consts::E)? - rf(1.0)?)?;

// ln(1 + (e - 1)) == ln(e) == 1
let abs_difference = (x.ln_1p()? - rf(1.0)?)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Hyperbolic sine function.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let e = rf(f64::consts::E)?;
let x = rf(1.0)?;

let f = x.sinh();
// Solving sinh() at 1 gives `(e^2-1)/(2e)`
let g = ((e.powi(2) - rf(1.0)?)?/(rf(2.0)?*e)?)?;
let abs_difference = (f - g)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1e-10)?);

Hyperbolic cosine function.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let e = rf(f64::consts::E)?;
let x = rf(1.0)?;
let f = x.cosh();
// Solving cosh() at 1 gives this result
let g = ((e.powi(2) + rf(1.0)?)?/(rf(2.0)?*e)?)?;
let abs_difference = (f - g)?.abs();

// Same result
assert!(abs_difference < rf(1.0e-10)?);

Hyperbolic tangent function.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let e = rf(f64::consts::E)?;
let x = rf(1.0)?;

let f = x.tanh();
// Solving tanh() at 1 gives `(1 - e^(-2))/(1 + e^(-2))`
let g = ((rf(1.0)? - e.powi(-2))?/(rf(1.0)? + e.powi(-2))?)?;
let abs_difference = (f - g)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1.0e-10)?);

Inverse hyperbolic sine function.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(1.0)?;
let f = x.sinh().asinh();

let abs_difference = (f - x)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1.0e-10)?);

Inverse hyperbolic cosine function.

use result_float::rf;

let x = rf(1.0)?;
let f = x.cosh().acosh()?;

let abs_difference = (f - x)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1.0e-10)?);

Inverse hyperbolic tangent function.

use result_float::rf;
use std::f64;

let e = rf(f64::consts::E)?;
let f = e.tanh().atanh()?;

let abs_difference = (f - e)?.abs();

assert!(abs_difference < rf(1.0e-10)?);

Raw transmutation to u32.

This is currently identical to transmute::<f32, u32>(self.raw()) on all platforms.

Note that this function is distinct from as casting, which attempts to preserve the numeric value, and not the bitwise value.

use result_float::rf;
assert!(rf(1f32)?.to_bits() != 1f32 as u32); // to_bits() is not casting!
assert_eq!(rf(12.5f32)?.to_bits(), 0x41480000);

Raw transmutation from u32.

This is currently identical to rf(transmute::<u32, f32>(v)) on all platforms. It turns out this is incredibly portable, for two reasons:

  • Floats and Ints have the same endianness on all supported platforms.
  • IEEE-754 very precisely specifies the bit layout of floats.

Note that this function is distinct from as casting, which attempts to preserve the numeric value, and not the bitwise value.

use result_float::{rf, Rf32};
let v = Rf32::from_bits(0x41480000)?;
let difference = (v - rf(12.5)?)?.abs();
assert!(difference <= rf(1e-5)?);

Raw transmutation to u64.

This is currently identical to transmute::<f64, u64>(self.raw()) on all platforms.

Note that this function is distinct from as casting, which attempts to preserve the numeric value, and not the bitwise value.

use result_float::rf;
assert!(rf(1f64)?.to_bits() != 1f64 as u64); // to_bits() is not casting!
assert_eq!(rf(12.5f64)?.to_bits(), 0x4029000000000000);

Raw transmutation from u64.

This is currently identical to rf(transmute::<u64, f64>(v)) on all platforms. It turns out this is incredibly portable, for two reasons:

  • Floats and Ints have the same endianness on all supported platforms.
  • IEEE-754 very precisely specifies the bit layout of floats.

Note that this function is distinct from as casting, which attempts to preserve the numeric value, and not the bitwise value.

use result_float::{rf, Rf64};
let v = Rf64::from_bits(0x4029000000000000)?;
let difference = (v - rf(12.5)?)?.abs();
assert!(difference <= rf(1e-5)?);

Trait Implementations

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

Performs the + operation. Read more

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Requires crate feature serde

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

Performs the / operation. Read more

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter.

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

Performs the * operation. Read more

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the unary - operation. Read more

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==. Read more

This method tests for !=.

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

The resulting type after applying the % operator.

Performs the % operation. Read more

Requires crate feature serde

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

Performs the - operation. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (toowned_clone_into)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.