Crate restq_http

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  • strict data value where each has exact byte definitions, etc.
  • coarse value from the parsing this is close to the json values


  • Parse into SQL Statement AST from separate parts this is useful when using a different crate for the http request
  • product?product_id=1
  • product{product_id,created_by,created,is_active}?returning=product_id,name
  • Parse into SQL Statement AST from http::Request
  • person{name,age,class}?(age=gt.42&student=eq.true)|(gender=eq.M)&group_by=(age),grade,gender&having=min(age)=gte.42&order_by=age.desc,height.asc&page=2&page_size=10
  • any whitespace character
  • Success when current input symbol equals t.
  • example: product{*product_id:s32,@name:text,description:text,updated:utc,created_by(users):u32,@is_active:bool}
  • Success when tag matches current input.
  • product{description=“I’m the new description now”,is_active=false}?product_id=1