restor 0.1.0

A dynamic resource storage system in rust.


A dyamic resource storage written in rust. It supports storage of multiple types and multiple entries. It also supports dynamic borrow checking with the help of RefCells.


use restor::DynamicStorage;

fn main() {
    let mut storage = DynamicStorage::new();
    storage.insert_many(vec![1usize, 2, 3]);

    for i in 0..4 {
        let mut string_accquisition = storage.get_mut::<String>();
        *string_accquisition = format!("{}, {}", &*string_accquisition, *storage.ind::<usize>(i));

    assert_eq!(&*storage.get::<String>(), "abc, 0, 1, 2, 3");

How it works:

BlackBox (Or DynamicStorage) is defined as so:

struct BlackBox {
    data: HashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn Unit>>

The Unit trait allows us to abstract over the generic type of the container (Referred to as UnitStorage in the code), so we can pass data in and out of it by using the seemingly magical Any trait. When you insert something into the storage it goes through these stages:

  1. Your data in BlackBox::insert<T>
  2. Boxed into a Box<dyn Any>
  3. Passed to the StorageUnit as dyn Unit
  4. Try to downcast as either a T or a Vec<T>
  5. Pur inro its own place in the storage or in a Vec

What's coming up:

  • A multithreaded version
  • A more ergonomic api
    • The ability to pass a Fn to run on a piece of data or a slice
      • Callbacks in general
    • The ability to iterate over a unit's contents
    • The ability to get a reference to the inner Unit
    • The ability to check if there is a unit attached to a type
      • The ability to insert a piece of data without worrying about the unit
    • (Very unlikely) The ability to only borrow a part of the storage in the case of multiple items
  • A passthrough hasher to avoid the unnecessary hashing of the TypeId