reqwest 0.7.2

higher level HTTP client library
use std::fmt;

use hyper::header::{Headers};

use Url;

/// A type that controls the policy on how to handle the following of redirects.
/// The default value will catch redirect loops, and has a maximum of 10
/// redirects it will follow in a chain before returning an error.
pub struct RedirectPolicy {
    inner: Policy,

/// A type that holds information on the next request and previous requests
/// in redirect chain.
pub struct RedirectAttempt<'a> {
    next: &'a Url,
    previous: &'a [Url],

/// An action to perform when a redirect status code is found.
pub struct RedirectAction {
    inner: Action,

impl RedirectPolicy {
    /// Create a RedirectPolicy with a maximum number of redirects.
    /// An `Error` will be returned if the max is reached.
    pub fn limited(max: usize) -> RedirectPolicy {
        RedirectPolicy {
            inner: Policy::Limit(max),

    /// Create a RedirectPolicy that does not follow any redirect.
    pub fn none() -> RedirectPolicy {
        RedirectPolicy {
            inner: Policy::None,

    /// Create a custom RedirectPolicy using the passed function.
    /// # Note
    /// The default RedirectPolicy handles redirect loops and a maximum loop
    /// chain, but the custom variant does not do that for you automatically.
    /// The custom policy should have some way of handling those.
    /// Information on the next request and previous requests can be found
    /// on the [`RedirectAttempt`] argument passed to the closure.
    /// Actions can be conveniently created from methods on the
    /// [`RedirectAttempt`].
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// # use reqwest::{Error, RedirectPolicy};
    /// #
    /// # fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
    /// let custom = RedirectPolicy::custom(|attempt| {
    ///     if attempt.previous().len() > 5 {
    ///         attempt.too_many_redirects()
    ///     } else if attempt.url().host_str() == Some("example.domain") {
    ///         // prevent redirects to 'example.domain'
    ///         attempt.stop()
    ///     } else {
    ///         attempt.follow()
    ///     }
    /// });
    /// let client = reqwest::Client::builder()?
    ///     .redirect(custom)
    ///     .build()?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    /// [`RedirectAttempt`]: struct.RedirectAttempt.html
    pub fn custom<T>(policy: T) -> RedirectPolicy
        T: Fn(RedirectAttempt) -> RedirectAction + Send + Sync + 'static,
        RedirectPolicy {
            inner: Policy::Custom(Box::new(policy)),

    fn redirect(&self, attempt: RedirectAttempt) -> RedirectAction {
        match self.inner {
            Policy::Custom(ref custom) => custom(attempt),
            Policy::Limit(max) => {
                if attempt.previous.len() == max {
                } else if attempt.previous.contains( {
                } else {
            Policy::None => attempt.stop(),

impl Default for RedirectPolicy {
    fn default() -> RedirectPolicy {

impl<'a> RedirectAttempt<'a> {
    /// Get the next URL to redirect to.
    pub fn url(&self) -> &Url {

    /// Get the list of previous URLs that have already been requested in this chain.
    pub fn previous(&self) -> &[Url] {
    /// Returns an action meaning reqwest should follow the next URL.
    pub fn follow(self) -> RedirectAction {
        RedirectAction {
            inner: Action::Follow,

    /// Returns an action meaning reqwest should not follow the next URL.
    /// The 30x response will be returned as the `Ok` result.
    pub fn stop(self) -> RedirectAction {
        RedirectAction {
            inner: Action::Stop,

    /// Returns an action meaning there was a loop of redirects found.
    /// An `Error` will be returned for the result of the sent request.
    pub fn loop_detected(self) -> RedirectAction {
        RedirectAction {
            inner: Action::LoopDetected,

    /// Returns an action meaning there was a loop of redirects found.
    /// An `Error` will be returned for the result of the sent request.
    pub fn too_many_redirects(self) -> RedirectAction {
        RedirectAction {
            inner: Action::TooManyRedirects,

enum Policy {
    Custom(Box<Fn(RedirectAttempt) -> RedirectAction + Send + Sync + 'static>),

impl fmt::Debug for Policy {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            Policy::Custom(..) => f.pad("Custom"),
            Policy::Limit(max) => f.debug_tuple("Limit").field(&max).finish(),
            Policy::None => f.pad("None"),

// pub(crate)

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Action {

pub fn check_redirect(policy: &RedirectPolicy, next: &Url, previous: &[Url]) -> Action {
    policy.redirect(RedirectAttempt {
        next: next,
        previous: previous,

pub fn remove_sensitive_headers(headers: &mut Headers, next: &Url, previous: &[Url]) {
    if let Some(previous) = previous.last() {
        let cross_host = next.host_str() != previous.host_str() ||
                         next.port_or_known_default() != previous.port_or_known_default();
        if cross_host {

This was the desired way of doing it, but ran in to inference issues when
using closures, since the arguments received are references (&Url and &[Url]),
and the compiler could not infer the lifetimes of those references. That means
people would need to annotate the closure's argument types, which is garbase.

pub trait Redirect {
    fn redirect(&self, next: &Url, previous: &[Url]) -> ::Result<bool>;

impl<F> Redirect for F
where F: Fn(&Url, &[Url]) -> ::Result<bool> {
    fn redirect(&self, next: &Url, previous: &[Url]) -> ::Result<bool> {
        self(next, previous)

fn test_redirect_policy_limit() {
    let policy = RedirectPolicy::default();
    let next = Url::parse("http://x.y/z").unwrap();
    let mut previous = (0..9)
        .map(|i| Url::parse(&format!("http://a.b/c/{}", i)).unwrap())

    assert_eq!(check_redirect(&policy, &next, &previous), Action::Follow);


    assert_eq!(check_redirect(&policy, &next, &previous),

fn test_redirect_policy_custom() {
    let policy = RedirectPolicy::custom(|attempt| {
        if attempt.url().host_str() == Some("foo") {
        } else {

    let next = Url::parse("http://bar/baz").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(check_redirect(&policy, &next, &[]), Action::Follow);

    let next = Url::parse("http://foo/baz").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(check_redirect(&policy, &next, &[]), Action::Stop);

fn test_remove_sensitive_headers() {
    use hyper::header::{Accept, Authorization, Cookie};

    let mut headers = Headers::new();
    headers.set(Authorization("let me in".to_owned()));
    let mut cookie = Cookie::new();
    cookie.set("foo", "bar");

    let next = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let mut prev = vec![Url::parse("").unwrap()];
    let mut filtered_headers = headers.clone();

    remove_sensitive_headers(&mut headers, &next, &prev);
    assert_eq!(headers, filtered_headers);


    remove_sensitive_headers(&mut headers, &next, &prev);
    assert_eq!(headers, filtered_headers);