[][src]Module repr_offset::docs::repr_offset_macro

The ReprOffset derive macro generates associated constants with the offset of every field.

The ReprOffset derive is from the repr_offset_derive crate, and is re-exported by this crate when the "derive" feature is enabled (it's enabled by default).

Generated offsets

The generated offset associated constants (by default):

  • Their names have the OFFSET_ prefix, with capitalized field names as a suffix.

  • Are FieldOffsets, which has safe methods for operating on the field at that offset.

  • Have the same privacy as the field.

Valid Representation Attributes

These are the valid representation attributes:

  • #[repr(C)]

  • #[repr(transparent)]: This is treated the same as #[repr(C)].

  • #[repr(C, align(1000))]

  • #[repr(C, packed)]

  • #[repr(C, packed(1000))]

One of those must be used,otherwise the derive macro will error.

Container Attributes


Changes the generated offset associated constants from FieldOffset to usize.


use repr_offset::ReprOffset;

struct Foo{
    x: u8,
    y: u64,
    z: String,

let _: usize = Foo::OFFSET_X;
let _: usize = Foo::OFFSET_Y;
let _: usize = Foo::OFFSET_Z;

#[roff(bound = "T: Foo")]

This attribute adds a constraint to the generated impl block that defines the field offset constants.


  • #[roff(bound = "T: 'a")]

  • #[roff(bound = "U: Foo")]

Field attributes

#[roff(offset = "fooo")]

Changes the name of the generated offset for the field.


use repr_offset::ReprOffset;
use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset};

struct Foo{
    x: u8,
    y: u64,
    #[roff(offset = "this_is_lowercase")]
    z: String,

let _: FieldOffset<Foo, u8, Aligned> = Foo::OFFSET_X;
let _: FieldOffset<Foo, u64, Aligned> = Foo::OFFSET_Y;
let _: FieldOffset<Foo, String, Aligned> = Foo::this_is_lowercase;

Container or Field attributes

#[roff(offset_prefix = "FOO" )]

Changes the prefix of the name of the generated offset(s) for the field(s).

When used on the type, it uses this as the default prefix of all the offset constants for the fields.

When used on a field, it overrides the prefix of the name of the offset constant for the field.


use repr_offset::ReprOffset;
use repr_offset::{FieldOffset, Unaligned};

#[repr(C, packed)]
#[roff(offset_prefix = "OFF_")]
struct Foo{
    x: u8,
    y: u64,
    // This overrides the `offset_prefix` attribute above.
    #[roff(offset_prefix = "OOO_")]
    z: String,

let _: FieldOffset<Foo, u8, Unaligned> = Foo::OFF_X;
let _: FieldOffset<Foo, u64, Unaligned> = Foo::OFF_Y;
let _: FieldOffset<Foo, String, Unaligned> = Foo::OOO_Z;


Out parameters

This example demonstrates how you can write each field individually to an out parameter (a way that complex values can be returned in the C language).

use repr_offset::ReprOffset;

use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::os::raw::c_char;

fn main(){
    let mut results = Vec::<Fields>::with_capacity(3);

        let ptr = results.as_mut_ptr();
        assert_eq!( write_fields(10, 2, ptr.offset(0)), ErrorCode::Ok );
        assert_eq!( write_fields(22, 3, ptr.offset(1)), ErrorCode::Ok );
        assert_eq!( write_fields(1, 0, ptr.offset(2)), ErrorCode::DivisionByZero );

        let cstr_as_str = |ptr| CStr::from_ptr(ptr).to_str().unwrap();

        assert_eq!( results[0].divided, 5 );
        assert_eq!( cstr_as_str(results[0].string), "5" );

        assert_eq!( results[1].divided, 7 );
        assert_eq!( cstr_as_str(results[1].string), "7" );

pub unsafe extern fn write_fields(left: u32, right: u32, out: *mut Fields) -> ErrorCode {
    let divided = match left.checked_div(right) {
        Some(x) => x,
        None => return ErrorCode::DivisionByZero,

    let string= CString::new(divided.to_string())
        .expect("There shouldn't be a nul byte in the string returned by `u32::to_string`")

        Fields::OFFSET_DIVIDED.write(out, divided);
        Fields::OFFSET_STRING.write(out, string);


pub unsafe extern fn cstring_free(ptr: *mut c_char) {

#[derive(Debug, ReprOffset)]
pub struct Fields{
    divided: u32,
    string: *mut c_char,

impl Drop for Fields {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe{ cstring_free(self.string); }

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ErrorCode{