rend3-gltf 0.3.0

gltf scene and model loader for the rend3 rendering library.

gltf scene and model loader for rend3.

This crate attempts to map the concepts into gltf as best it can into rend3, but there is quite a variety of things that would be insane to properly represent.

To "just load a gltf/glb", look at the documentation for [load_gltf] and use the default [filesystem_io_func].

Individual components of a gltf can be loaded with the other functions in this crate.

Supported Extensions

  • KHR_punctual_lights
  • KHR_texture_transform
  • KHR_material_unlit

Known Limitations

  • Only the albedo texture's transform from KHR_texture_transform will be used.
  • Double sided materials are currently unsupported.