[][src]Function remote_trait_object::setup_identifiers

pub fn setup_identifiers(descriptor: &IdMap)

A special function that sets static & global identifiers for the methods.

It will be explained in more detail in the next version :)

This is supposed to be called only once during the entire lifetime of the process. However it is ok to call multiple times if the IdMap is identical, especially in the tests where each test share that static id list


use remote_trait_object::macro_env::*;
static ID_METHOD_MyTrait_mymethod: MethodIdAtomic = MethodIdAtomic::new(1);
static ID_METHOD_ENTRY_MyTrait_mymethod: (&'static str, &'static str, fn(id: MethodId)) =
    ("MyTrait", "mymethod", id_method_setter_MyTrait_mymethod);
fn id_method_setter_MyTrait_mymethod(id: MethodId) {
    ID_METHOD_MyTrait_mymethod.store(id, ID_ORDERING);
fn setup() {
    let id_map: HashMap<(String, String), MethodId> =
        [(("MyTrait".to_owned(), "mymethod".to_owned()), 123)].iter().cloned().collect();
    let id_map = IdMap {
        method_map: Some(id_map),
    assert_eq!(ID_METHOD_MyTrait_mymethod.load(ID_ORDERING), 123);