Crate relative_path [] [src]

A platform-neutral relative path.

This provide types which are analogous to Path, and PathBuf found in stdlib, with the following characteristics:

  • The path separator is set to a fixed character (/), regardless of platform.
  • Relative paths cannot represent an absolute path in the filesystem, without first specifying what they are relative to through to_path.

Absolute Paths

Relative paths can be absolute. This does not have the same meaning as with Path, instead it only affects how relative paths are adjoined.

Joining one absolute path, with another effectively replaces it:

use relative_path::RelativePath;

let path = RelativePath::new("foo/bar").join("/baz");
assert_eq!("/baz", path)

Using an absolute [RelativePath] won't affect how it's converted into a Path.

use relative_path::RelativePath;
use std::path::Path;

let path = RelativePath::new("/baz").to_path(Path::new("."));
assert_eq!(Path::new("./baz"), path)

Serde Support

This library includes serde support that can be enabled with the serde feature.



Iterator over all the components in a relative path.


A borrowed, immutable relative path.


An owned, mutable relative path.