register 0.3.2

Common interface for MMIO and CPU registers
register-0.3.2 doesn't have any documentation.


Unified interface for MMIO and CPU registers.


This crate uses the tock-register-interface, please refer to their Readme for the whole API.

Defining a CPU register


use register::{cpu::RegisterReadWrite, register_bitfields};

register_bitfields! {u32,
    CNTP_CTL_EL0 [
        /// Enables the timer. Permitted values are:
        /// 0 Timer disabled.
        /// 1 Timer enabled.
        ENABLE        OFFSET(0)  NUMBITS(1) [],

        /// Timer interrupt mask bit. Permitted values are:
        /// 0 Timer interrupt is not masked by the IMASK bit.
        /// 1 Timer interrupt is masked by the IMASK bit.
        IMASK         OFFSET(1)  NUMBITS(1) [],

        /// The status of the timer. This bit indicates whether the
        /// timer condition is met:
        /// 0 Timer condition is not met.
        /// 1 Timer condition is met.
        ISTATUS       OFFSET(2)  NUMBITS(1) []

struct Reg;

impl RegisterReadWrite<u32, CNTP_CTL_EL0::Register> for Reg {
    /// Reads the raw bits of the CPU register.
    fn get(&self) -> u32 {
        let reg;
        unsafe {
            asm!("mrs $0, CNTP_CTL_EL0" : "=r"(reg) ::: "volatile");

    /// Writes raw bits to the CPU register.
    fn set(&self, value: u32) {
        unsafe {
            asm!("msr CNTP_CTL_EL0, $0" :: "r"(value) :: "volatile");

static CNTP_CTL_EL0: Reg = Reg {};

fn main() {

Defining MMIO registers

use register::{mmio::*, register_bitfields};

register_bitfields! {

    GPFSEL1 [
        FSEL14 OFFSET(12) NUMBITS(3) [
            Input = 0b000,
            Output = 0b001,
            TXD0 = 0b100

        FSEL15 OFFSET(15) NUMBITS(3) [
            Input = 0b000,
            Output = 0b001,
            RXD0 = 0b100

pub struct RegisterBlock {
    GPFSEL1: ReadWrite<u32, GPFSEL1::Register>, // 0x00
    SYSTMR_HI: ReadOnly<u32>,                   // 0x04

fn main() {
    let regs = 0x1337_0000 as *const RegisterBlock;

    unsafe { (*regs).SYSTMR_HI.get() };


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