var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["regex"] = {"doc":"This crate provides a native implementation of regular expressions that is\nheavily based on RE2 both in syntax and in implementation. Notably,\nbackreferences and arbitrary lookahead/lookbehind assertions are not\nprovided. In return, regular expression searching provided by this package\nhas excellent worst-case performance. The specific syntax supported is\ndocumented further down.","items":[[3,"RegexBuilder","regex","A configurable builder for a regular expression.",null,null],[3,"RegexSet","","Match multiple (possibly overlapping) regular expressions in a single scan.",null,null],[3,"SetMatches","","A set of matches returned by a regex set.",null,null],[3,"SetMatchesIntoIter","","An owned iterator over the set of matches from a regex set.",null,null],[3,"SetMatchesIter","","A borrowed iterator over the set of matches from a regex set.",null,null],[3,"Regex","","A compiled regular expression for matching Unicode strings.",null,null],[3,"Captures","","Captures represents a group of captured strings for a single match.",null,null],[3,"SubCaptures","","An iterator over capture groups for a particular match of a regular\nexpression.",null,null],[3,"SubCapturesPos","","An iterator over capture group positions for a particular match of a\nregular expression.",null,null],[3,"SubCapturesNamed","","An Iterator over named capture groups as a tuple with the group\nname and the value.",null,null],[3,"CaptureNames","","An iterator over the names of all possible captures.",null,null],[3,"FindCaptures","","An iterator that yields all non-overlapping capture groups matching a\nparticular regular expression.",null,null],[3,"FindMatches","","An iterator over all non-overlapping matches for a particular string.",null,null],[3,"NoExpand","","NoExpand indicates literal string replacement.",null,null],[12,"0","","",0,null],[3,"RegexSplits","","Yields all substrings delimited by a regular expression match.",null,null],[3,"RegexSplitsN","","Yields at most `N` substrings delimited by a regular expression match.",null,null],[4,"Error","","An error that occurred during parsing or compiling a regular expression.",null,null],[13,"Syntax","","A syntax error.",1,null],[13,"CompiledTooBig","","The compiled program exceeded the set size limit.\nThe argument is the size limit imposed.",1,null],[13,"InvalidSet","","**DEPRECATED:** Will be removed on next major version bump.",1,null],[5,"quote","","Escapes all regular expression meta characters in `text`.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"string"}}],[5,"is_match","","Tests if the given regular expression matches somewhere in the text given.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[0,"bytes","","Match regular expressions on arbitrary bytes.",null,null],[3,"RegexBuilder","regex::bytes","A configurable builder for a regular expression.",null,null],[3,"RegexSet","","Match multiple (possibly overlapping) regular expressions in a single scan.",null,null],[3,"SetMatches","","A set of matches returned by a regex set.",null,null],[3,"SetMatchesIntoIter","","An owned iterator over the set of matches from a regex set.",null,null],[3,"SetMatchesIter","","A borrowed iterator over the set of matches from a regex set.",null,null],[3,"Regex","","A compiled regular expression for matching arbitrary bytes.",null,null],[3,"FindMatches","","An iterator over all non-overlapping matches for a particular string.",null,null],[3,"FindCaptures","","An iterator that yields all non-overlapping capture groups matching a\nparticular regular expression.",null,null],[3,"Splits","","Yields all substrings delimited by a regular expression match.",null,null],[3,"SplitsN","","Yields at most `N` substrings delimited by a regular expression match.",null,null],[3,"CaptureNames","","An iterator over the names of all possible captures.",null,null],[3,"Captures","","Captures represents a group of captured byte strings for a single match.",null,null],[3,"SubCaptures","","An iterator over capture groups for a particular match of a regular\nexpression.",null,null],[3,"SubCapturesPos","","An iterator over capture group positions for a particular match of a\nregular expression.",null,null],[3,"SubCapturesNamed","","An Iterator over named capture groups as a tuple with the group name and\nthe value.",null,null],[3,"NoExpand","","NoExpand indicates literal byte string replacement.",null,null],[12,"0","","",2,null],[8,"Replacer","","Replacer describes types that can be used to replace matches in a byte\nstring.",null,null],[10,"replace_append","","Appends text to `dst` to replace the current match.",3,null],[11,"no_expansion","","Return a fixed unchanging replacement byte string.",3,null],[11,"fmt","regex","",1,null],[11,"description","","",1,null],[11,"cause","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"from","","",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"error"}],"output":{"name":"error"}}],[11,"new","regex::bytes","Create a new regular expression builder with the given pattern.",4,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"regexbuilder"}}],[11,"compile","","Consume the builder and compile the regular expression.",4,null],[11,"case_insensitive","","Set the value for the case insensitive (`i`) flag.",4,null],[11,"multi_line","","Set the value for the multi-line matching (`m`) flag.",4,null],[11,"dot_matches_new_line","","Set the value for the any character (`s`) flag, where in `.` matches\nanything when `s` is set and matches anything except for new line when\nit is not set (the default).",4,null],[11,"swap_greed","","Set the value for the greedy swap (`U`) flag.",4,null],[11,"ignore_whitespace","","Set the value for the ignore whitespace (`x`) flag.",4,null],[11,"unicode","","Set the value for the Unicode (`u`) flag.",4,null],[11,"size_limit","","Set the approximate size limit of the compiled regular expression.",4,null],[11,"dfa_size_limit","","Set the approximate size of the cache used by the DFA.",4,null],[11,"new","regex","Create a new regular expression builder with the given pattern.",5,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"regexbuilder"}}],[11,"compile","","Consume the builder and compile the regular expression.",5,null],[11,"case_insensitive","","Set the value for the case insensitive (`i`) flag.",5,null],[11,"multi_line","","Set the value for the multi-line matching (`m`) flag.",5,null],[11,"dot_matches_new_line","","Set the value for the any character (`s`) flag, where in `.` matches\nanything when `s` is set and matches anything except for new line when\nit is not set (the default).",5,null],[11,"swap_greed","","Set the value for the greedy swap (`U`) flag.",5,null],[11,"ignore_whitespace","","Set the value for the ignore whitespace (`x`) flag.",5,null],[11,"unicode","","Set the value for the Unicode (`u`) flag.",5,null],[11,"size_limit","","Set the approximate size limit of the compiled regular expression.",5,null],[11,"dfa_size_limit","","Set the approximate size of the cache used by the DFA.",5,null],[11,"no_expansion","regex::bytes","Return a fixed unchanging replacement byte string.",3,null],[11,"clone","","",6,null],[11,"fmt","","Shows the original regular expression.",6,null],[11,"fmt","","Shows the original regular expression.",6,null],[11,"from_str","","Attempts to parse a string into a regular expression",6,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"new","","Compiles a regular expression. Once compiled, it can be used repeatedly\nto search, split or replace text in a string.",6,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"with_size_limit","","Compiles a regular expression with the given size limit.",6,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"is_match","","Returns true if and only if the regex matches the string given.",6,null],[11,"find","","Returns the start and end byte range of the leftmost-first match in\n`text`. If no match exists, then `None` is returned.",6,null],[11,"find_iter","","Returns an iterator for each successive non-overlapping match in\n`text`, returning the start and end byte indices with respect to\n`text`.",6,null],[11,"captures","","Returns the capture groups corresponding to the leftmost-first\nmatch in `text`. Capture group `0` always corresponds to the entire\nmatch. If no match is found, then `None` is returned.",6,null],[11,"captures_iter","","Returns an iterator over all the non-overlapping capture groups matched\nin `text`. This is operationally the same as `find_iter`, except it\nyields information about submatches.",6,null],[11,"split","","Returns an iterator of substrings of `text` delimited by a match of the\nregular expression. Namely, each element of the iterator corresponds to\ntext that *isn't* matched by the regular expression.",6,null],[11,"splitn","","Returns an iterator of at most `limit` substrings of `text` delimited\nby a match of the regular expression. (A `limit` of `0` will return no\nsubstrings.) Namely, each element of the iterator corresponds to text\nthat *isn't* matched by the regular expression. The remainder of the\nstring that is not split will be the last element in the iterator.",6,null],[11,"replace","","Replaces the leftmost-first match with the replacement provided. The\nreplacement can be a regular byte string (where `$N` and `$name` are\nexpanded to match capture groups) or a function that takes the matches'\n`Captures` and returns the replaced byte string.",6,null],[11,"replace_all","","Replaces all non-overlapping matches in `text` with the replacement\nprovided. This is the same as calling `replacen` with `limit` set to\n`0`.",6,null],[11,"replacen","","Replaces at most `limit` non-overlapping matches in `text` with the\nreplacement provided. If `limit` is 0, then all non-overlapping matches\nare replaced.",6,null],[11,"shortest_match","","Returns the end location of a match in the text given.",6,null],[11,"as_str","","Returns the original string of this regex.",6,null],[11,"capture_names","","Returns an iterator over the capture names.",6,null],[11,"captures_len","","Returns the number of captures.",6,null],[11,"next","","",7,null],[11,"next","","",8,null],[11,"next","","",9,null],[11,"next","","",10,null],[11,"next","","",11,null],[11,"size_hint","","",11,null],[11,"pos","","Returns the start and end positions of the Nth capture group. Returns\n`None` if `i` is not a valid capture group or if the capture group did\nnot match anything. The positions returned are *always* byte indices\nwith respect to the original byte string matched.",12,null],[11,"at","","Returns the matched string for the capture group `i`. If `i` isn't\na valid capture group or didn't match anything, then `None` is\nreturned.",12,null],[11,"name","","Returns the matched string for the capture group named `name`. If\n`name` isn't a valid capture group or didn't match anything, then\n`None` is returned.",12,null],[11,"iter","","Creates an iterator of all the capture groups in order of appearance\nin the regular expression.",12,null],[11,"iter_pos","","Creates an iterator of all the capture group positions in order of\nappearance in the regular expression. Positions are byte indices\nin terms of the original string matched.",12,null],[11,"iter_named","","Creates an iterator of all named groups as an tuple with the group\nname and the value. The iterator returns these values in arbitrary\norder.",12,null],[11,"expand","","Expands all instances of `$name` in `text` to the corresponding capture\ngroup `name`, and writes them to the `dst` buffer given.",12,null],[11,"len","","Returns the number of captured groups.",12,null],[11,"is_empty","","Returns true if and only if there are no captured groups.",12,null],[11,"fmt","","",12,null],[11,"index","","",12,null],[11,"index","","",12,null],[11,"next","","",13,null],[11,"next","","",14,null],[11,"next","","",15,null],[11,"replace_append","","",2,null],[11,"no_expansion","","",2,null],[11,"clone","regex","",16,null],[11,"new","","Create a new regex set with the given regular expressions.",16,{"inputs":[{"name":"i"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"is_match","","Returns true if and only if one of the regexes in this set matches\nthe text given.",16,null],[11,"matches","","Returns the set of regular expressions that match in the given text.",16,null],[11,"len","","Returns the total number of regular expressions in this set.",16,null],[11,"fmt","","",17,null],[11,"clone","","",17,null],[11,"matched_any","","Whether this set contains any matches.",17,null],[11,"matched","","Whether the regex at the given index matched.",17,null],[11,"len","","The total number of regexes in the set that created these matches.",17,null],[11,"iter","","Returns an iterator over indexes in the regex that matched.",17,null],[11,"into_iter","","",17,null],[11,"next","","",18,null],[11,"clone","","",19,null],[11,"next","","",19,null],[11,"fmt","","",16,null],[11,"clone","regex::bytes","",20,null],[11,"new","","Create a new regex set with the given regular expressions.",20,{"inputs":[{"name":"i"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"is_match","","Returns true if and only if one of the regexes in this set matches\nthe text given.",20,null],[11,"matches","","Returns the set of regular expressions that match in the given text.",20,null],[11,"len","","Returns the total number of regular expressions in this set.",20,null],[11,"fmt","","",21,null],[11,"clone","","",21,null],[11,"matched_any","","Whether this set contains any matches.",21,null],[11,"matched","","Whether the regex at the given index matched.",21,null],[11,"len","","The total number of regexes in the set that created these matches.",21,null],[11,"iter","","Returns an iterator over indexes in the regex that matched.",21,null],[11,"into_iter","","",21,null],[11,"next","","",22,null],[11,"clone","","",23,null],[11,"next","","",23,null],[11,"fmt","","",20,null],[11,"clone","regex","",24,null],[11,"fmt","","Shows the original regular expression.",24,null],[11,"fmt","","Shows the original regular expression.",24,null],[11,"eq","","",24,null],[11,"from_str","","Attempts to parse a string into a regular expression",24,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"new","","Compiles a regular expression. Once compiled, it can be used repeatedly\nto search, split or replace text in a string.",24,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"with_size_limit","","Compiles a regular expression with the given size limit.",24,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"},{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"is_match","","Returns true if and only if the regex matches the string given.",24,null],[11,"find","","Returns the start and end byte range of the leftmost-first match in\n`text`. If no match exists, then `None` is returned.",24,null],[11,"find_iter","","Returns an iterator for each successive non-overlapping match in\n`text`, returning the start and end byte indices with respect to\n`text`.",24,null],[11,"captures","","Returns the capture groups corresponding to the leftmost-first\nmatch in `text`. Capture group `0` always corresponds to the entire\nmatch. If no match is found, then `None` is returned.",24,null],[11,"captures_iter","","Returns an iterator over all the non-overlapping capture groups matched\nin `text`. This is operationally the same as `find_iter`, except it\nyields information about submatches.",24,null],[11,"split","","Returns an iterator of substrings of `text` delimited by a match of the\nregular expression. Namely, each element of the iterator corresponds to\ntext that *isn't* matched by the regular expression.",24,null],[11,"splitn","","Returns an iterator of at most `limit` substrings of `text` delimited\nby a match of the regular expression. (A `limit` of `0` will return no\nsubstrings.) Namely, each element of the iterator corresponds to text\nthat *isn't* matched by the regular expression. The remainder of the\nstring that is not split will be the last element in the iterator.",24,null],[11,"replace","","Replaces the leftmost-first match with the replacement provided.\nThe replacement can be a regular string (where `$N` and `$name` are\nexpanded to match capture groups) or a function that takes the matches'\n`Captures` and returns the replaced string.",24,null],[11,"replace_all","","Replaces all non-overlapping matches in `text` with the replacement\nprovided. This is the same as calling `replacen` with `limit` set to\n`0`.",24,null],[11,"replacen","","Replaces at most `limit` non-overlapping matches in `text` with the\nreplacement provided. If `limit` is 0, then all non-overlapping matches\nare replaced.",24,null],[11,"shortest_match","","Returns the end location of a match in the text given.",24,null],[11,"as_str","","Returns the original string of this regex.",24,null],[11,"capture_names","","Returns an iterator over the capture names.",24,null],[11,"captures_len","","Returns the number of captures.",24,null],[11,"next","","",25,null],[11,"size_hint","","",25,null],[11,"reg_replace","","",0,null],[11,"no_expand","","",0,null],[11,"next","","",26,null],[11,"next","","",27,null],[11,"pos","","Returns the start and end positions of the Nth capture group. Returns\n`None` if `i` is not a valid capture group or if the capture group did\nnot match anything. The positions returned are *always* byte indices\nwith respect to the original string matched.",28,null],[11,"at","","Returns the matched string for the capture group `i`. If `i` isn't\na valid capture group or didn't match anything, then `None` is\nreturned.",28,null],[11,"name","","Returns the matched string for the capture group named `name`. If\n`name` isn't a valid capture group or didn't match anything, then\n`None` is returned.",28,null],[11,"iter","","Creates an iterator of all the capture groups in order of appearance\nin the regular expression.",28,null],[11,"iter_pos","","Creates an iterator of all the capture group positions in order of\nappearance in the regular expression. Positions are byte indices\nin terms of the original string matched.",28,null],[11,"iter_named","","Creates an iterator of all named groups as an tuple with the group\nname and the value. The iterator returns these values in arbitrary\norder.",28,null],[11,"expand","","Expands all instances of `$name` in `text` to the corresponding capture\ngroup `name`.",28,null],[11,"len","","Returns the number of captured groups.",28,null],[11,"is_empty","","Returns true if and only if there are no captured groups.",28,null],[11,"fmt","","",28,null],[11,"index","","",28,null],[11,"index","","",28,null],[11,"next","","",29,null],[11,"next","","",30,null],[11,"next","","",31,null],[11,"next","","",32,null],[11,"next","","",33,null],[8,"Replacer","","Replacer describes types that can be used to replace matches in a string.",null,null],[10,"reg_replace","","Returns a possibly owned string that is used to replace the match\ncorresponding to the `caps` capture group.",34,null],[11,"no_expand","","Returns a possibly owned string that never needs expansion.",34,null],[11,"no_expand","","Returns a possibly owned string that never needs expansion.",34,null]],"paths":[[3,"NoExpand"],[4,"Error"],[3,"NoExpand"],[8,"Replacer"],[3,"RegexBuilder"],[3,"RegexBuilder"],[3,"Regex"],[3,"FindMatches"],[3,"FindCaptures"],[3,"Splits"],[3,"SplitsN"],[3,"CaptureNames"],[3,"Captures"],[3,"SubCaptures"],[3,"SubCapturesPos"],[3,"SubCapturesNamed"],[3,"RegexSet"],[3,"SetMatches"],[3,"SetMatchesIntoIter"],[3,"SetMatchesIter"],[3,"RegexSet"],[3,"SetMatches"],[3,"SetMatchesIntoIter"],[3,"SetMatchesIter"],[3,"Regex"],[3,"CaptureNames"],[3,"RegexSplits"],[3,"RegexSplitsN"],[3,"Captures"],[3,"SubCaptures"],[3,"SubCapturesPos"],[3,"SubCapturesNamed"],[3,"FindCaptures"],[3,"FindMatches"],[8,"Replacer"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);