[][src]Crate refpool

A reimplementation of std::rc::Rc which uses a pool of reusable memory to speed up reallocation.


In order to initialise a type to its default value from the memory pool using PoolRef::default(), it needs to implement PoolDefault.

If you want to be able to use PoolRef::make_mut(), it also needs to implement PoolClone.

For constructing values using PoolRef::new(), there's no requirement.

There are implementations for PoolDefault and PoolClone for most primitive types and a good selection of std's data types, and you can easily provide default implementations for your own types by implementing the marker trait PoolDefaultImpl. You can also implement your own if you have data structures whose memory doesn't need to be fully intitialised at construction time, which can give you a slight performance boost. (This optimisation is why PoolDefault and PoolClone exist as distinct traits, otherwise Default and Clone would have sufficed.)


You create new values by calling PoolRef::default(pool) or PoolRef::new(pool, value). This will use memory from the pool if available, falling back to a normal heap allocation if the pool is empty. When the last PoolRef referencing the value is dropped, its allocated memory is returned to the pool.

Differences from Rc

PoolRef is API compatible with Rc, with the following exceptions:


// Create a pool of `usize` with a max size of 1 (for argument's sake).
let mut pool: Pool<usize> = Pool::new(1);

    // Create a reference handle to a usize initialised to 0.
    // The pool starts out empty, so this triggers a normal heap alloc.
    let value_ref = PoolRef::default(&mut pool);
    assert_eq!(0, *value_ref); // You can deref it just like `Rc`.
} // `value_ref` is dropped here, and its heap memory goes on the pool.

// Check that we do indeed have one allocation in the pool now.
assert_eq!(1, pool.get_pool_size());

// Create another reference and initialise it to 31337, a good round number.
// This will reuse `value_ref`'s memory.
let another_value_ref = PoolRef::new(&mut pool, 31337);
assert_eq!(31337, *another_value_ref);

// Check that the pool is again empty after we reused the previous memory.
assert_eq!(0, pool.get_pool_size());



A pool of preallocated memory sized to match type A.


A reference counted pointer to A.



A trait for cloning a value into a MaybeUninit<Self>.


A trait for initialising a MaybeUninit<Self> to a default value.


A marker trait for types which should be fully initialised.