refinery 0.1.10

Powerful SQL migration toolkit for Rust

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Powerful SQL migration toolkit for Rust.

refinery makes running migrations for different databases as easy as possible. it works by running your migrations on a provided database connection, either by embedding them on your Rust code, or via refinery_cli. currently Postgres, Rusqlite and Mysql are supported. refinery works best with Barrel but you can also have your migrations on .sql files or use any other Rust crate for schema generation.


  • Migrations can be defined in .sql files or Rust modules that must have a function called migration that returns a String
  • Migrations, both .sql files and Rust modules must be named in the format V{1}__{2}.rs where {1} represents the migration version and {2} the name.
  • Migrations can be run either by embedding them on your Rust code with embedded_migrations and include_migration_mods macros, or via refinery_cli.


use ttrusqlite::Connection;

mod embedded {
    use refinery::embed_migrations;

fn main() {
    let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
    embedded::migrations::runner().run(&mut conn).unwrap();

for more examples refer to the examples


Refinery aims to support stable Rust, the previous Rust version, and nightly


:balloon: Thanks for your help improving the project! No contribution is too small and all contributions are valued, feel free to open Issues and submit Pull Requests


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Refinery by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.