refi 3.1.0

Rename files in numberic order
# File renamer

## Description

**refi** is Rust program to help you rename files fast in numberic order.

This was previously named as **img-renamer**. All versions >= 3.0.0 are for **refi**, below 3.0.0 are for **img-renamer**

## Installation

You can install **refi** from []( or by [building yourself from source.](

## Usage

See [wiki]( for full usage

### Basic usage

This will rename all files in `~/Pictures` folder like this: `0000001.png`, `0000002.jpg`, `0000003.txt`...

`refi ~/Pictures`  

image.png -> 0000001.png
picture.jpg -> 0000002.jpg
file.txt -> 0000003.txt
Renaming 3 of 3
Are you sure you want to rename (y/n): y
Do you want to save a log file(y/n): n

### Print help text

Simply run `refi -h` or `refi --help` for long help.

## Author

[Miika Launiainen](

## Donating

If you want to support me, feel free to use paypal

## License

This library is licensed under GPLv3