reef 0.0.28

a package to execute and log system commands
use super::errors::*;
use super::Env;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

impl Default for Env {
    // #region default
    fn default() -> Self {
        Env {
            username: whoami::username(),
            hostname: whoami::hostname(),
            distro: whoami::distro(),
            realname: whoami::realname(),
            devicename: whoami::devicename(),
    // #endregion default

impl Env {
    /// uses the PATH environment variable to search
    /// for a filename matching the specified name.
    /// if a matching filename is not found, it
    /// will check for the existence of name.exe
    /// and name.bat
    /// Example
    /// ```
    /// use reef::Env;
    /// let git_path = Env::which("git").unwrap();
    /// assert!(git_path.exists());
    /// ```
    pub fn which(name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf> {

    /// extracts the text following the shebang #!
    /// Example
    /// given a file
    /// with the contents:
    /// #!C:/Ruby26-x64/bin/ruby.exe
    /// the shebang method will return C:/Ruby26-x64/bin/ruby.exe
    /// ```
    /// use reef::Env;
    /// use std::env;
    /// let path = std::env::temp_dir().join("test.rb");
    /// std::fs::write(&path,b"#!C:/Ruby26-x64/bin/ruby.exe")?;
    /// let target = Env::shebang(&path).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!("C:/Ruby26-x64/bin/ruby.exe",target);
    /// # Ok::<(), std::io::Error>(())
    /// ```
    pub fn shebang(path: &Path) -> Result<String> {