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redux-rs - A Rust implementation of Redux.

Redux-rs is a predictable state container for Rust applications.

The goal of this project is to provide similar functionality to it’s javascript counterpart. Due to the differences between javascript and rust the api is not exactly the same.

This project offers the following functionality:

  • A lock-free store that you can dispatch actions to with only a shared reference (&Store)
  • Flexible middleware that can intercept/modify/launch actions at any time


Data in the redux store is immutable. The only way to update the data in the store is by dispatching actions to the store. The data is altered using a provided reducer.

Middleware can be used introduced side effects when dispatching actions. An example of a side effect is making an api call.


A state is the form of data Redux manages. Theoretically it can be anything, but for an easy explanation let’s take the following example: We have a simple counter application. It does nothing more than counting. Our state would look the following:

struct State {
    counter: i8


To change the state we need to dispatch actions. In Rust, they would usually be represented by an enum. For the counter, we want to increment and decrement it.

enum Action {


To actually change the state (read: create a new one), we need what is called a reducer. It is a pure function which takes in the current state plus the action to perform and returns a new state.

Note: A reducer is a pure function: it should not introduce any side-effects.

fn reducer(state: State, action: Action) -> State {
    match action {
        Action::Increment => State {
            counter: state.counter + 1
        Action::Decrement => State {
            counter: state.counter - 1

Note how the reducer uses the old data to create a new state.


To put it all together, we use a store which keeps track of a state and provides an easy to use API for dispatching actions. The store takes the reducer and an initial state.

// The store needs to be mutable as it will change its inner state when dispatching actions.
let mut store = Store::new(reducer);

// Let it do its highly complex math.

// Print the current count.
println!("{}", store.select(|state: &State| state.counter).await);


Sometimes one might want to listen to changes happening. This is where subscriptions come in. They are callbacks with the current state that get called whenever an action gets dispatched.

store.subscribe(|state: &State| {
     println!("Something changed! Current value: {}", state.counter);



The store is the heart of any redux application, it contains the state of the application.

Store which ties an underlying store and middleware together.


Middlewares are the way to introduce side effects to the redux store.

Reducer trait

Selector trait

The store api offers an abstraction around all store functionality.

Subscriber trait