reciprocal 0.1.2

Baseline implementation of integer division by constants
name = "reciprocal"
version = "0.1.2"
authors = ["Paul Khuong <>"]
description = "Baseline implementation of integer division by constants"
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT"
repository = ""
keywords = ["division", "div-by-mul", "precomputation"]
categories = ["algorithms", "caching"]

# Enable core::intrinsics::unlikely with the nightly feature.
nightly = []

opt-level = 3


criterion = { version = "0.3", features = ["html_reports"] }
strength_reduce = "0.2.3"
fastdivide = "0.3.0"
rand = "0.8"
rand_chacha = "0.3"

name = "div_throughput"
harness = false

name = "div_latency"
harness = false

name = "div_throughput_variable"
harness = false