rdfm 0.1.0

RDFM - A Rusty DotFiles Manager
rdfm-0.1.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: rdfm-0.1.3
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                            The Rusty DotFiles Manager.
                            Copyleft (ɔ) 2021, Wafelack


Welcome to RDFM.

RDFM is the Rusty DotFiles Manager, it permits an efficient and easy dotfiles sharing.

It has only been tested on a GNU system but it should work on every UNIX based OS.

Dont forget to read the LICENSE file - RDFM is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL).

The informations about latest changes can be found in the CHANGELOG.md file.


  • To install RDFM you can either:
  1. Run cargo install rdfm
  2. Download the latest binary from the releases page
  3. Build the project from source

Getting Started

  • To setup a dotfiles environment, run rdfm setup.
  • To get help about RDFM commands, run rdfm help.


Build from source

  • Run wget https://github.com/upx/upx/archive/$VERSION.tar.gz.
  • Extract it via tar -xzf $VERSION.tar.gz.
  • cd in the produced directory and run cargo build --release.
  • Add the produced binary somewhere in your $PATH.