rbl_circular_buffer 0.1.2

A zero-allocation, fast, circular buffer implementation in Rust.
//! # CircularBuffer
//! A zero dependencies, zero run-time allocation, circular buffer.
//! This crates provide a simple circular buffer that does not do any allocation at run time. The
//! main focus of this crate is correctess and performances.
//! The circular buffer never wait, if the buffer is full, it overwrite the first element.
//! The API is extremelly simple, you create the buffer specify how many elements the buffer can
//! hold. Then you can start pushing elements into it.
//! ```
//! use rbl_circular_buffer::*;
//! let mut buffer = CircularBuffer::new(3);
//! assert_eq!(0, buffer.len());
//! buffer.push(1);
//! assert_eq!(1, buffer.len());
//! buffer.push(2);
//! assert_eq!(2, buffer.len());
//! buffer.push(3);
//! assert_eq!(3, buffer.len());
//! // now the buffer is full, we can insert the next element, but it will overwrite the first one
//! buffer.push(4);
//! assert_eq!(3, buffer.len());
//! let v: Vec<u32> = buffer.collect();
//! assert_eq!(vec![2,3,4], v);
//! ```
//! There are two ways to read the elements from the buffer.
//! 1. `CircularBuffer` implement the `Iterator` trait, you can loop over it.
//! 2. `CircularBuffer` provided the `.fill()` method.
//! ## Using the iterator
//! The iterator will consume the elements in the buffer.
//! ```
//! use rbl_circular_buffer::*;
//! let mut buffer = CircularBuffer::new(3);
//! buffer.push(1);
//! buffer.push(2);
//! buffer.push(3);
//! let mut sum = 0;
//! for element in &mut buffer {
//!     sum += element;
//! }
//! assert_eq!(1 + 2 + 3, sum);
//! assert_eq!(0, buffer.len());
//! ```
//! ## Filling a vector
//! In demanding application, the iterator can be a bad choice.
//! Think about communication between threads, each thread can have a reference to the
//! `CircularBuffer` and take a lock while reading from it. If the reading operation are not fast
//! enough, or simply if there are too many elements, the lock will be hold for a long period of
//! time. The alternative is to fill a vector.
//! ```
//! use rbl_circular_buffer::*;
//! // let's make a bigger vector
//! let mut buffer = CircularBuffer::new(5);
//! for i in 1..=5 {
//!     buffer.push(i);
//! }
//! // with this vector we will remove the first 3 elements
//! let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(3);
//! buffer.fill(&mut v);
//! assert_eq!(vec![1, 2, 3], v);
//! // in the vector there are still 4 and 5
//! assert_eq!(2, buffer.len());
//! buffer.push(6);
//! buffer.push(7);
//! buffer.push(8);
//! // the fill avoid any allocation even in the vector to fill.
//! // if we remove one element, and refill, we will push only one element.
//! // this because `.fill()` does not allocate any memory.
//! v.remove(0);
//! buffer.fill(&mut v);
//! assert_eq!(vec![2, 3, 4], v);
//! assert_eq!(4, buffer.len())
//! ```

use std::convert::TryInto;

mod tests;

pub struct CircularBuffer<T> {
    buffer: *mut T,
    // writing pointer
    w: usize,
    // reading pointer
    r: usize,
    size: usize,
    full: bool,

impl<T> CircularBuffer<T> {
    /// Create a new CircularBuffer of size `size`.
    /// It allocate an array of exactly size element, if the allocation fail, the method panic.
    /// Negligible amount of space used by the CircularBuffer beside the array itself.
    pub fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
        let size = size;
        let type_size = std::mem::size_of::<T>();
        let vector_size = type_size.checked_mul(size).unwrap();
        let aligment = std::mem::align_of::<T>();

        let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(vector_size, aligment).unwrap();
        let ptr = unsafe { std::alloc::alloc_zeroed(layout) };

        CircularBuffer {
            buffer: ptr.cast(),
            w: 0,
            r: 0,
            full: false,

    /// Returns the amount of elements in the CircularBuffer in O(1)
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
        if self.full {
            return self.size;
        if self.w > self.r {
            self.w - self.r
        } else if self.w == self.r {
        } else {
            self.size - self.r + self.w

    fn next_inc(&self, i: usize) -> usize {
        (i + 1) % self.size

    fn w_inc(&mut self) {
        self.w = self.next_inc(self.w);

    fn r_inc(&mut self) {
        self.r = self.next_inc(self.r);

    fn r_inc_of(&mut self, n: usize) {
        self.r = (self.r + n) % self.size;

    fn write(&mut self, value: T) {
        let w_index = self.w;
        unsafe {

    fn read(&mut self) -> T {
        let r_index = self.r;
        unsafe {
            let ptr = self.buffer.add(r_index);

    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = self.buffer.offset(self.w.try_into().unwrap());

    /// Push a new element into the CircularBuffer in O(1) does not do any allocation.
    /// If the CircularBuffer is full, the first element of the CircularBuffer is overwritten.
    pub fn push(&mut self, value: T) -> usize {
        if self.full {
            // pointer to w must first be free, and the overwritten
        if self.w == self.r {
            self.full = true;
        } else {
            self.size - self.len()

    /// Main method to read elements out of the CircularBuffer.
    /// The return vector get filled, with as many as possible elements from the CircularBuffer.
    /// The available elements in the CircularBuffer are the same returned by the method `len`. The elements
    /// that the vector can accepts are given by `return_vector.capacity() - return_vector.len()`
    /// The method avoids allocating memory.
    /// Hence if the vector is already full, no elements are pushed into the vector.
    /// If the CircularBuffer is empty, no elements are pushed into the vector.
    /// If the vector can accept more elements that are prensent in the CircularBuffer, the vector
    /// get filled as much as possible and the CircularBuffer will remain empty.
    /// If the vector cannot accept all the element in the CircularBuffer, the vector get filled
    /// while the CircularBuffer will be left with some elements inside.
    /// The operation runs in O(n) with `n` number of elements pushed into the vector.
    pub fn fill(&mut self, return_vector: &mut Vec<T>) -> usize {
        let mut i = 0;
        while return_vector.capacity() - return_vector.len() > 0 {
            match self.next() {
                Some(element) => {
                    i += 1;
                None => return i,

    fn split_in_ranges(&self) -> (std::ops::Range<usize>, Option<std::ops::Range<usize>>) {
        if self.r < self.w {
            (self.r..self.w, None)
        } else if self.r == self.w {
            if self.full {
                (self.r..self.size, Some(0..self.w))
            } else {
                (self.r..self.r, None)
        } else {
            (self.r..self.size, Some(0..self.w))

    fn fill_vector_from_split(&mut self, range: std::ops::Range<usize>, vec: &mut Vec<T>) -> usize {
        let sink_capacity = vec.capacity() - vec.len();
        if sink_capacity == 0 {
            return 0;
        if range.len() == 0 {
            return 0;
        let to_push = if range.len() <= sink_capacity {
        } else {
            let mut r = range;
            r.end = r.start + sink_capacity;

        unsafe {
            let ptr = vec.as_mut_ptr().add(vec.len());
            std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.buffer.add(to_push.start), ptr, to_push.len());
            vec.set_len(vec.len() + to_push.len());

        self.full = false;
        return to_push.len();

    /// The `_fast_fill` method is supposed to be a faster alternative to the `fill` one.
    /// However, benchmarks failed to show any difference in performance.
    /// If the benchmark showed any difference, it was the `_fast_fill` method being a little slower.
    /// The `_fast_fill` method is more complex that the `fill` method, so I suggest to rely on the
    /// simpler `fill`. However both methods passed the same properties tests, so they should be
    /// equally correct.
    /// The `_fast_fill` is implemented using raw pointer and memcopy. While the `fill` method
    /// pull elements using the iterator and simply push them to the back of the vector.
    pub fn _fast_fill(&mut self, return_vector: &mut Vec<T>) -> usize {
        if self.len() == 0 {
            return 0;
        let sink_capacity = return_vector.capacity() - return_vector.len();
        if sink_capacity == 0 {
            return 0;
        let mut total_pushed = 0;
        let (r1, r2) = self.split_in_ranges();
        total_pushed += self.fill_vector_from_split(r1, return_vector);
        if total_pushed == sink_capacity {
            return total_pushed;
        if let Some(r2) = r2 {
            total_pushed += self.fill_vector_from_split(r2, return_vector)

impl<T: Clone> Clone for CircularBuffer<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        let mut new = CircularBuffer::new(self.size);
        new.w = self.w;
        new.r = self.r;
        new.size = self.size; // useless
        new.full = self.full;

        let (r1, r2) = self.split_in_ranges();
        for i in r1 {
            unsafe {
                let r_ptr = self.buffer.add(i);
                let e0 = r_ptr.read();
                let e1 = e0.clone();
                let w_buffer = new.buffer as *mut T;
                let w_ptr = w_buffer.add(i);
        if let Some(r2) = r2 {
            for i in r2 {
                unsafe {
                    let r_ptr = self.buffer.add(i);
                    let e0 = r_ptr.read();
                    let e1 = e0.clone();
                    let w_buffer = new.buffer as *mut T;
                    let w_ptr = w_buffer.add(i);


/// Create an iterator, elements from the iterator are consumed and are not present anymore in the
/// buffer.
impl<T> std::iter::Iterator for CircularBuffer<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        match self.len() {
            0 => None,
            _ => {
                self.full = false;
    /// The size_hint is correct, it is not an hint but it is the correct value.
    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (self.len(), Some(self.len()))

impl<T: std::fmt::Debug> std::fmt::Debug for CircularBuffer<T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        if self.len() == 0 {
            return write!(f, "CircularBuffer(<empty>)");
        write!(f, "CircularBuffer(")?;
        let mut fake_read = self.r;
        let read = fake_read.try_into().unwrap();
        let element = unsafe {
            let ptr = self.buffer.offset(read);
        std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&element, f)?;
        fake_read = self.next_inc(fake_read);
        while fake_read != self.w {
            write!(f, ", ")?;
            let read = fake_read.try_into().unwrap();
            let element = unsafe {
                let ptr = self.buffer.offset(read);
            std::fmt::Debug::fmt(&element, f)?;
            fake_read = self.next_inc(fake_read);
            ") w: {:?}, r: {:?}, size: {:?}, full: {:?}",
            self.w, self.r, self.size, self.full

impl<T: std::fmt::Display> std::fmt::Display for CircularBuffer<T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        if self.len() == 0 {
            return write!(f, "CircularBuffer(<empty>)");
        write!(f, "CircularBuffer(")?;
        let mut fake_read = self.r;
        let read = fake_read.try_into().unwrap();
        let element = unsafe {
            let ptr = self.buffer.offset(read);
        std::fmt::Display::fmt(&element, f)?;
        fake_read = self.next_inc(fake_read);
        while fake_read != self.w {
            write!(f, ", ")?;
            let read = fake_read.try_into().unwrap();
            let element = unsafe {
                let ptr = self.buffer.offset(read);
            std::fmt::Display::fmt(&element, f)?;
            fake_read = self.next_inc(fake_read);
        write!(f, ")")