ratcc 0.1.2

Rust Automated Test Cases in a Crate. A testing framework inspired by the Catch C++ framework. Requires nightly rust.
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Rust Automated Test Cases in a Crate


A test frameworked for Rust, inspired by the Catch C++ test framework.


ratcc = "0.1"
extern crate ratcc;
use ratcc::*;

fn example() {

    let a = 0;
    assert_eq!(a, 0);

    #[section("first succeeds")] {

        let b = 0;
        assert_eq!(a, b);

        #[section("second fails")] { assert!(false); }

    #[section("first fails")] {

        let b = 1;
        assert_eq!(a, b);

        #[section("second succeeds")] {

            // The parent section fails assert so this never
            // gets executed.
            // Should result in undefined result but doesn't.

//   Running target/debug/deps/test-d4d1fd68ce8fee8b
//   running 5 tests
//   test example ... ok
//   test example_first_fails ... FAILED
//   test example_first_fails_second_succeeds ... FAILED
//   test example_first_succeeds ... ok
//   test example_first_succeeds_second_fails ... FAILED