randselect 0.2.3

Tool for randomly selecting files from a directory.


Crates.io docs.rs Travis (.com)

This crate provides a simple command line utility for randomly selecting N files from a directory and copying/moving them to a target directory.

randselect operates (inefficiently) by generating a random permutation of the files in a given directory, then moving/copying the first N files in the resulting permutation to a target directory.


You can install this with Cargo:

$ cargo install randselect


Tool for randomly selecting files from a directory.

    randselect [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] -i <IN_DIR> -n <N> -o <OUT_DIR>

    -g, --go          Execute the copy or move. Specify a seed for deterministic behavior.
    -h, --help        Prints help information
    -m                Whether to move the selected files rather than copy.
    -c, --no_color    Disable colorized output. Only supported in Unix-like OSes.
    -V, --version     Prints version information
    -v                Sets the level of verbosity

    -i <IN_DIR>         The input directory to select from.
    -n <N>              The number of files to select.
    -o <OUT_DIR>        The directory to output to. Will be created if it doesn't exist.
    -s <SEED>           The seed to use for the PRNG (u64).