Crate rand [] [src]

Utilities for random number generation


// Rng is the main trait and needs to be imported:
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};

// thread_rng is often the most convenient source of randomness:
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
if rng.gen() { // random bool
    let x: f64 = rng.gen(); // random number in range (0, 1)
    println!("x is: {}", x);
    println!("Number from 0 to 9: {}", rng.gen_range(0, 10));

The key function is Rng::gen(). It is polymorphic and so can be used to generate many types; the Uniform distribution carries the implementations. In some cases type annotation is required, e.g. rng.gen::<f64>().

Getting random values

The most convenient source of randomness is likely thread_rng, which automatically initialises a fast algorithmic generator on first use per thread with thread-local storage.

If one wants to obtain random data directly from an external source it is recommended to use EntropyRng which manages multiple available sources or OsRng which retrieves random data directly from the OS. It should be noted that this is significantly slower than using a local generator like thread_rng and potentially much slower if EntropyRng must fall back to JitterRng as a source.

It is also common to use an algorithmic generator in local memory; this may be faster than thread_rng and provides more control. In this case StdRng — the generator behind thread_rng — and SmallRng — a small, fast, weak generator — are good choices; more options can be found in the prng module as well as in other crates.

Local generators need to be seeded. It is recommended to use NewRng or to seed from a strong parent generator with from_rng:

// seed with fresh entropy:
use rand::{StdRng, NewRng};
let mut rng = StdRng::new();
// seed from thread_rng:
use rand::{SmallRng, SeedableRng, thread_rng};
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_rng(thread_rng());

In case you specifically want to have a reproducible stream of "random" data (e.g. to procedurally generate a game world), select a named algorithm (i.e. not StdRng/SmallRng which may be adjusted in the future), and use SeedableRng::from_seed or a constructor specific to the generator (e.g. IsaacRng::new_from_u64).

Applying / converting random data

The RngCore trait allows generators to implement a common interface for retrieving random data, but how should you use this? Typically users should use the Rng trait not RngCore; this provides more flexible ways to access the same data (e.g. gen() can output many more types than next_u32() and next_u64(); Rust's optimiser should eliminate any overhead). It also provides several useful algorithms, e.g. gen_bool(p) to generate events with weighted probability and shuffle(&mut v[..]) to randomly-order a vector.

The distributions module provides several more ways to convert random data to useful values, e.g. time of decay is often modelled with an exponential distribution, and the log-normal distribution provides a good model of many natural phenomona.

The seq module has a few tools applicable to sliceable or iterable data.

Cryptographic security

Security analysis requires a threat model and expert review; we can provide neither, but can provide some guidance. We assume that the goal is to obtain secret random data and that some source of secrets ("entropy") is available; that is, EntropyRng is functional.

Potential threat: is the entropy source secure? The primary entropy source is OsRng which is simply a wrapper around the platform's native "secure entropy source"; usually this is available (outside of embedded platforms) and usually you can trust this (some caveats may apply; see OsRng doc). The fallback source used by EntropyRng is JitterRng which runs extensive tests on the quality of the CPU timer and is conservative in its estimates of the entropy harvested from each time sample; this makes it slow but very strong. Using EntropyRng directly should therefore be secure; the main reason not to is performance, which is why many applications use local algorithmic generators.

Potential threat: are algorithmic generators predictable? Certainly some are; algorithmic generators fall broadly into two categories: those using a small amount of state (e.g. one to four 32- or 64-bit words) designed for non-security applications and those designed to be secure, typically with much larger state space and complex initialisation. The former should not be trusted to be secure, the latter may or may not have known weaknesses or may even have been proven secure under a specified adversarial model. We provide some notes on the security of the cryptographic algorithmic generators provided by this crate, Hc128Rng and ChaChaRng. Note that previously IsaacRng and Isaac64Rng were used as "reasonably strong generators"; these have no known weaknesses but also have no proofs of security, thus are not recommended for cryptographic uses.

Potential threat: could the internal state of a cryptographic generator be leaked? This falls under the topic of "side channel attacks", and multiple variants are possible: the state of the generators being accidentally printed in log files or some other application output, the process's memory being copied somehow, the process being forked and both sub-processes outputting the same random sequence but such that one of those can be read; likely some other side-channel attacks are possible in some circumstances. It is typically impossible to prove immunity to all side-channel attacks, however some mitigation of known threats is usually possible, for example all generators implemented in this crate have a custom Debug implementation omitting all internal state, and ReseedingRng allows periodic reseeding such that a long-running process with leaked generator state should eventually recover to an unknown state. In the future we plan to add further mitigations; see issue #314.

We provide the CryptoRng marker trait as an indication of which random generators/sources may be used for cryptographic applications; this should be considered advisory only does not imply any protection against side-channel attacks.


For some inspiration, see the examples:


pub use jitter::JitterRng;
pub use os::OsRng;
pub use chacha::ChaChaRng;
pub use prng::Hc128Rng;



The ChaCha random number generator.


Sampling from random distributions.


The ISAAC random number generator.


Non-physical true random number generator based on timing jitter.


Mock random number generator


Interfaces to the operating system provided random number generators.


Pseudo random number generators are algorithms to produce apparently random numbers deterministically, and usually fairly quickly.


A wrapper around any Read to treat it as an RNG.


A wrapper around another PRNG that reseeds it after it generates a certain number of random bytes.


Functions for randomly accessing and sampling sequences.


AsciiGenerator [

Iterator which will continuously generate random ascii characters.


A generator provided specifically for securely seeding algorithmic generators (PRNGs).


Error type of random number generators

Generator [

Iterator which will generate a stream of random items.


A random number generator that uses ISAAC-64, the 64-bit variant of the ISAAC algorithm.


A random number generator that uses the ISAAC algorithm.


An RNG recommended when small state, cheap initialization and good performance are required. The PRNG algorithm in SmallRng is chosen to be efficient on the current platform, without consideration for cryptography or security. The size of its state is much smaller than for StdRng.


The standard RNG. The PRNG algorithm in StdRng is chosen to be efficient on the current platform, to be statistically strong and unpredictable (meaning a cryptographically secure PRNG).


The type returned by thread_rng, essentially just a reference to the PRNG in thread-local memory. Cloning this handle just produces a new reference to the same thread-local generator.


An Xorshift[1] random number generator.



Error kind which can be matched over.



Trait for casting types to byte slices


A trait for RNGs which do not generate random numbers individually, but in blocks (typically [u32; N]). This technique is commonly used by cryptographic RNGs to improve performance.


A marker trait used to indicate that an RngCore or BlockRngCore implementation is supposed to be cryptographically secure.


A convenient way to seed new algorithmic generators with fresh entropy from EntropyRng.

Rand [

A type that can be randomly generated using an Rng.


An automatically-implemented extension trait on RngCore providing high-level generic methods for sampling values and other convenience methods.


The core of a random number generator.


A random number generator that can be explicitly seeded.


random [

DEPRECATED: use thread_rng().gen() instead.

sample [

DEPRECATED: use seq::sample_iter instead.


Retrieve the lazily-initialized thread-local random number generator, seeded by the system. Intended to be used in method chaining style, e.g. thread_rng().gen::<i32>(), or cached locally, e.g. let mut rng = thread_rng();.

weak_rng [

DEPRECATED: use SmallRng instead.