ramhorns 0.5.0

Experimental Mustache-like templating engine.


Experimental Mustache template engine implementation in pure Rust.

Ramhorns loads and processes templates at runtime. It comes with a derive macro which allows for templates to be rendered from native Rust data structures without doing temporary allocations, intermediate HashMaps or what have you.

With a touch of magic 🎩, the power of friendship 🥂, and a sparkle of FNV hashing ✨, render times easily compete with static template engines like Askama.

What else do you want, a sticker?


use ramhorns::{Template, Content};

struct Post<'a> {
title: &'a str,
teaser: &'a str,

struct Blog<'a> {
title: String,        // Strings are cool
posts: Vec<Post<'a>>, // &'a [Post<'a>] would work too

// Standard Mustache action here
let source = "<h1>{{title}}</h1>\
{{^posts}}<p>No posts yet :(</p>{{/posts}}";

let tpl = Template::new(source).unwrap();

let rendered = tpl.render(&Blog {
title: "My Awesome Blog!".to_string(),
posts: vec![
Post {
title: "How I tried Ramhorns and found love 💖",
teaser: "This can happen to you too",
Post {
title: "Rust is kinda awesome",
teaser: "Yes, even the borrow checker! 🦀",

assert_eq!(rendered, "<h1>My Awesome Blog!</h1>\
<h2>How I tried Ramhorns and found love 💖</h2>\
<p>This can happen to you too</p>\
<h2>Rust is kinda awesome</h2>\
<p>Yes, even the borrow checker! 🦀</p>\