ral 0.2.0

Base layer for generated libraries for specific MCUs

Library providing basis for low level registers access This crate re-exports macros refined in ral-macro, so this is the only library needed to be defined in dependencies

Code generator

Refer to ral-gen crate documentation for code generation guidelines

DSL and produced result

Internally generates register description backed by ral

use ral::register;

register! {
use crate_name::types::CustomType; // Use expressions for custom types used in field declarations

#[access = "read-write"] // Optional register wide access specifier
#[doc = "Register description"] // Optional register description
reg0 { // Register name
offset: 0x8, // Register offset in enclosing peripheral
value_size: 32, // Register size, expected values are 8, 16, 32 or 64
reset_mask: 0xFFFFFFFF, // Reset mask
reset_value: 0x0, // Reset value
fields: { // Optional fields
#[doc = "Bits 16:31 - Read-only u16 field"] // Each field can have a description
#[access = "read-only"] // Access specifier
field5[16:16] as u16, // Field specification `<name>[<offset>:<width>] as <type>`

#[doc = "Bits 14:15 - Write-only field"]
#[access = "write-only"] // Only setters will be generated
field4[14:2] as u8, // Default supported types are `u8`, `u16`, `u32` and `u64`

#[doc = "Bits 11:13 - Read-only field"]
#[access = "read-only"] // Only getters will be generated
field3[11:3] as u8,

#[doc = "Bit 10 - Boolean field"]
#[access = "read-write"] // `read-write` is a default access specifier
field2[10:1] as bool, // `bool` fields are also supported by default

#[doc = "Bits 8:9 - Enum field"]
#[access = "read-write"] // Both getters and setters will be generated
field1[8:2] as CustomType, // Custom types are supported with limitations

#[doc = "Bits 0:7 - Read-write by default long field"]
field0[0:8] as u8

Above register definition will be transformed into following code

// Required uses section
use core::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr;
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use ral::{borrow_register, init_register, return_register, value_read, value_write, R, ReadableRegister, Register, VolatileCell, WritableRegister};
use crate_name::types::CustomType;
const REGISTER: AtomicPtr<VolatileCell<<Reg0 as Register>::ValueType>> = AtomicPtr::new(
(super::BASE_ADDRESS /* Enclosing peripheral/cluster base address */ + 0x00 /* offset */) as *mut VolatileCell<<Reg0 as Register>::ValueType>,
///Register description
pub fn reg0() -> Option<Reg0> {
pub struct Reg0(R<u32, Reg0>);
impl Drop for Reg0 {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let Reg0(register) = self;
return_register(&REGISTER, register);
impl Register for Reg0 {
type RegisterType = Self;
type ValueType = u32;
const RESET_MASK: Self::ValueType = 0xFFFF_FFFF;
const RESET_VALUE: Self::ValueType = 0x1234_0000;
impl ReadableRegister for Reg0 { // Will be added if register wide access allows read
fn get_bits(&self) -> Self::ValueType {

fn read(&mut self) -> &mut Self::RegisterType {
impl WritableRegister for Reg0 { // Will be added if register wide access allows write
fn set_bits(&mut self, bits: Self::ValueType) -> &mut Self::RegisterType {
fn reset(&mut self) -> &mut Self::RegisterType {
fn write(&mut self) -> &mut Self::RegisterType {
impl Reg0 { // Will be added if any fields specified
///Bits 16:31 - Read-only u16 field
pub fn get_field5(&self) -> u16 {
value_read!(self, 0x0000FFFFu32, 16) as u16
// Will further expand into
// ((self.0.get_bits() >> 16) & 0x0000FFFFu32) as u16
///Bits 14:15 - Write-only field
pub fn set_field4(&mut self, value: u8) -> &mut Self {
value_write!(self, 0x00000003u32, 14, value as <Self as Register>::ValueType);
// Will further expand into
// self.0.set_bits(
//     (self.0.get_bits() & !(0x00000003u32 << 14))
//         | ((value as <Self as Register>::ValueType & 0x00000003u32) << 14),
// );
///Bits 11:13 - Read-only field
pub fn get_field3(&self) -> u8 {
value_read!(self, 0x00000007u32, 11) as u8
// Will further expand into
// ((self.0.get_bits() >> 11) & 0x00000007u32) as u8
///Bit 10 - Boolean field
pub fn is_field2_set(&self) -> bool {
value_read!(self, 0x00000001u32, 10) == 1
// Will further expand into
// ((self.0.get_bits() >> 10) & 0x00000001u32) == 1
///Bit 10 - Boolean field
pub fn set_field2_value(&mut self, value: bool) -> &mut Self {
value_write!(self, 0x00000001u32, 10, value as <Self as Register>::ValueType);
// Will further expand into
// self.0.set_bits(
//     (self.0.get_bits() & !(0x00000001u32 << 10))
//         | ((value as <Self as Register>::ValueType & 0x00000001u32) << 10),
// );
///Bit 10 - Boolean field
pub fn set_field2(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
///Bit 10 - Boolean field
pub fn unset_field2(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
///Bits 8:9 - Enum field
pub fn get_field1(
) -> Result<CustomType, <CustomType as TryFrom<<Self as Register>::ValueType>>::Error> {
<CustomType as TryFrom<<Self as Register>::ValueType>>::try_from(value_read!(self, 0x00000003u32, 8))
// Will further expand into
// <CustomType as TryFrom<<Self as Register>::ValueType>>::try_from(
//     (self.0.get_bits() >> 8) & 0x00000003u32,
// )
///Bits 8:9 - Enum field
pub fn set_field1(
&mut self,
value: CustomType,
) -> Result<&mut Self, <<Self as Register>::ValueType as TryFrom<CustomType>>::Error>
value_write!(self, 0x00000003u32, 8, <<Self as Register>::ValueType as TryFrom<#ty>>::try_from(value)?);
// Will further expand into
// self.0.set_bits(
//     (self.0.get_bits() & !(0x00000003u32 << 8))
//         | ((<<Self as Register>::ValueType as TryFrom<CustomType>>::try_from(value)?
//             & 0x00000003u32) << 8),
// );
///Bits 0:7 - Read-write by default long field
pub fn get_field0(&self) -> u8 {
value_read!(self, 0x000000FFu32, 0) as u8
// Will further expand into
// ((self.0.get_bits() >> 0) & 0x000000FFu32) as u8
///Bits 0:7 - Read-write by default long field
pub fn set_field0(&mut self, value: u8) -> &mut Self {
value_write!(self, 0x000000FFu32, 0, value as <Self as Register>::ValueType);
// Will further expand into
// self.0.set_bits(
//     (self.0.get_bits() & !(0x000000FFu32 << 0))
//         | ((value as <Self as Register>::ValueType & 0x000000FFu32) << 0),
// );

Proposed modules structure

Enclosing peripheral module can look like this

#![doc = "Peripheral description"]

mod reg0;
pub use reg0::*;

const BASE_ADDRESS: usize = 0x0000_0000; // Should be actual peripheral base address

Peripherals module should look like this

pub mod peripheral;

And finally lib.rs should look like this

#![doc = "Device description"]

pub mod peripherals;

So the recommended module hierarchy is

├── lib.rs
└── peripherals/
├── mod.rs
└── peripheral/
├── mod.rs
├── reg0.rs
├── reg1.rs
└── cluster/
├── mod.rs
├── reg2.rs
├── reg3.rs
└── reg4.rs

The layout also includes optional cluster module, which can look like this

#![doc = "Cluster description"]

mod reg2;
pub use reg2::*;
mod reg3;
pub use reg3::*;
mod reg4;
pub use reg4::*;

const BASE_ADDRESS: usize = super::BASE_ADDRESS + 0x40; // Enclosing peripheral/cluster base address plus offset

Requirenments to custom types

For read access you must implement TryFrom<u32> for CustomType or From<u32> for CustomType if your register is 32-bit For write access you have to implement TryFrom<CustomType> for u32 or From<CustomType> for u32 respectively

How to use resulting library

use device_crate::peripherals::peripheral;

let mut reg0 = peripheral::reg0()
.unwrap() // Borrow the register
.read(); // Load current data stored in register
let field3 = reg0.get_field3(); // Read `u8` field

let field2 = reg0.is_field2_set(); // Read `bool` field
let field1: CustomType = reg0.get_field1().unwrap(); // Read field represented by `CustomType`
.set_field0(if field2 {
reg0.get_field5() as u8
} else {
}) // Set `u8` field
.unset_field2() // Unset `bool` field
.set_field4(field3 + 10) // Set 'u8' field
.set_field1(if field1 == Two { One } else { Three }).unwrap() // Set `CustomType` field
.write(); // Finally write result to hardware register