rafx 0.0.10

Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

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Please see additional documentation here

Rafx is a multi-backend renderer that prioritizes performance, flexibility, and productivity. It optionally integrates with the distill asset pipeline to provide workflows and tools suitable for real-world projects with multidisciplinary teams.

This crate contains several layers:

  • [rafx_api]: Low-level graphics API abstraction
  • [rafx_framework]: Mid-level framework that eases resource management, lifetime handling, and draw call dispatching
  • [rafx_assets]: Asset layer that integrates with the distill asset pipeline
  • NOTE: The published version in crates.io does not include rafx-assets as distill is not published yet

Rafx also provides tools for building shaders and packing assets.

Rafx supports most mainstream platforms via vulkan and metal backends. Proprietary platforms can be supported by adding an additional backend.