rados_hi 0.2.1

Opinionated high-level wrapper for librados (Ceph).

rados_hi - Opinionated high-level wrapper for librados (Ceph).

crate docs

RADOS is a High Availability (with configurable replication and/or erasure coding) object store that is both a backbone of the Ceph distributed filesystem and a powerful distributed database of its own.

rados_hi is an experimental high-level wrapper around the low-level (so far) ceph-rust bindings. It achieves good parallelization and composability by lifting RADOS AIO operations as futures.

NB. This library diverges a bit from futures "lazy evaluation" approach by starting the read and write AIO operations early, as soon as the Future is created. You still need to "drive" the follow-up operations in a futures chain. That is, in a read and_then process and_then write chain the read AIO operation will be scheduled with Ceph immediately but the follow-up process and write futures will only be run once the chain is polled somehow. This might change in the future, particularly as the explicit parallelism in join_all and similar adapters is better explored.

big brother