var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["quoted_printable"] = {"doc":"","items":[[4,"ParseMode","quoted_printable","A flag that allows control over the decoding strictness.",null,null],[13,"Strict","","Perform strict checking over the input, and return an error if any\ninput appears malformed.",0,null],[13,"Robust","","Perform robust parsing, and gracefully handle any malformed input. This\ncan result in the decoded output being different than what was intended.",0,null],[4,"QuotedPrintableError","","An error type that represents different kinds of decoding errors.",null,null],[13,"InvalidByte","","A byte was found in the input that was outside of the allowed range. The\nallowed range is the horizontal tab (ASCII 0x09), CR/LF characters (ASCII\n0x0A and 0x0D), and anything in the ASCII range 0x20 to 0x7E, inclusive.",1,null],[13,"LineTooLong","","Lines where found in the input that exceeded 76 bytes in length, excluding\nthe terminating CRLF.",1,null],[13,"IncompleteHexOctet","","An '=' character was found in the input without the proper number of\nhex-characters following it. This includes '=' characters followed\nby a single character and then the CRLF pair, for example.",1,null],[13,"InvalidHexOctet","","An '=' character was found with two following characters, but they were\nnot hex characters. '=Hi' for example would be an invalid encoding.",1,null],[13,"LowercaseHexOctet","","An '=' character was found with two following hex characters, but the\nhex characters were lowercase rather than uppercase. The spec explicitly\nrequires uppercase hex to be used, so this is considered an error.",1,null],[5,"decode","","Decodes a piece quoted-printable data.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"},{"name":"parsemode"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"eq","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"description","","",1,null],[11,"cause","","",1,null]],"paths":[[4,"ParseMode"],[4,"QuotedPrintableError"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);