quickcfg 0.2.0

Do basic configuration of a system, declaratively and quickly.
quickcfg-0.2.0 doesn't have any documentation.


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Apply a base configuration to a system, quickly!

It reads a configuration and template structure from a dotfiles directory and tries to normalize the machine that it is run base on this configuration.

Until Rust Edition 2018 is released, this crate is Nightly Only.

WARNING: This will modify your system and potentially overwrite files! Make sure you have backed everything up before using it!


  • Zero dependencies! All you need is the quickcfg binary and your configuration repo.
  • Blazingly fast! We will normalize your machine and keep the configuration in sync with the remote repository, no questions asked.
  • Dependency graph! Builds a dependency graph internally, making sure everything happens in the right order and as quickly as possible.
  • Flexible configuration, but opinionated! There are a couple of powerful primitives available (e.g. copy-dir), which does a lot of work with very little configuration.


Create a repository with a quickcfg.yml in its root:

  - secrets.yaml
  - db/common.yaml
  - db/{distro}.yaml

  # System to copy an entire directory to another.
  - type: copy-dir
    # directory relative to root of this project.
    from: home
    to: home:.
    templates: true
  # System to ensure that a set of packages are installed.
  - type: install-packages
    # data key to use when resolving packages
    # will look up this key in the specified hierarchy.
    key: packages
  # Will download and run the downloaded script once, recording it as done under the provided ID.
  - type: download-and-run
    id: install-rust
    url: https://sh.rustup.rs
  - type: download-and-run
    id: install-oh-my-zsh
    url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh
    shell: true



Copies a directory recursively.


Compares the set of installed packages, with a set of packages from the hierarchy to install and installs any that are missing.

Will use sudo.


We support installing packages on the following platforms:

  • Debian, through dpkg-query and apt (fact: distro=debian).


Any file being copied is treated as a handlebars template.

Any template file can make use of hierarchy data, by specifying their dependencies using a quickcfg: tag at the top of the file, like this:

# quickcfg: name
Hi, my name is {{name}}

quickcfg will scan the first 5 lines of any file being copied for this.