quick-protobuf 0.1.0

A pure Rust protobuf (de)serializer. Quick.


A pure Rust library to deserialize protobuf files.

Simple codegen. No need of protoc. Fast.

Getting started

  1. Convert your .proto files into rust modules using included pb-rs crate

    git clone https://github.com/tafia/quick-protobuf
    cd quick-protobuf/codegen
    # generate a /my/proto/path/my_file.rs module to import into your project
    cargo run /my/proto/path/my_file.proto
  2. Import quick-protobuf into you crate

    # Cargo.toml
    quick-protobuf = { git = "https://github.com/tafia/quick-protobuf" }
  3. Use the generated module

    // main.rs or lib.rs
    extern crate quick_protobuf;
    mod my_file; // generated with protorust_codegen
    use std::io::Write;
    use quick_protobuf::{MessageRead, MessageWrite, Writer, Result};
    use my_file::Foo;
    fn main() {
    fn run(p: &str) -> Result<()> {
        // Foo implements Message trait, thus we can directly deserialize .bin files
        let mut msg = Foo::from_file(p)?;
        println!("Deserialized msg: {:#?}", msg);
        // Make some chanegs on msg
        // Write down updated message using any `Write` ...
        let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(msg.get_size());
            let mut writer = Writer::new(&mut buf);


This library is an alternative to the widely used rust-protobuf.

  • Pros

    • No need to install anything on your machine but rust
    • No trait objects: faster/simpler parser
    • Dead simple generated modules:
      • a struct with public fields
      • an implementation of Message(Read/Write), which means just one match loop for reader
      • more than 10x smaller modules in practice
      • modifying the generated code if needed while not necessarily advised is totally fine as the code is easy to reason about
    • Easier on memory (no trait objects, no storage of unknown fields)
  • Cons

    • Very immature library at the moment: many missing functionalities, very poor test coverage, very poor documentation
    • Not a drop-in replacement of [rust-protobuf], in particular, you have to handle Options unwrapping yourself
    • probably many other corner cases I overlooked


The only implemented benchmarks are the adaptation from rust-protobuf perftest.