initSidebarItems({"fn":[["add","Adds two quaternions."],["axis_angle","Construct a quaternion for the given angle (in radians) about the given axis. Axis must be a unit vector."],["conj","Takes the quaternion conjugate."],["dot","Dot product of two quaternions"],["euler_angles","Construct a quaternion representing the given euler angle rotations (in radians)"],["id","Constructs identity quaternion."],["len","Computes the length of a quaternion."],["mul","Multiplies two quaternions."],["rotate_vector","Rotate the given vector using the given quaternion"],["rotation_from_to","Construct a quaternion representing the rotation from a to b"],["scale","Scales a quaternion (element-wise) by a scalar"],["square_len","Computes the square length of a quaternion."]],"type":[["Quaternion","Quaternion type alias."]]});