[][src]Module qt_core::q_cbor_stream_reader

C++ type: QCborStreamReader



This enum is returned by readString() and readByteArray() and is used to indicate what the status of the parsing is.


This class is returned by readString() and readByteArray(), with either the contents of the string that was read or an indication that the parsing is done or found an error.


This class is returned by readString() and readByteArray(), with either the contents of the string that was read or an indication that the parsing is done or found an error.


This class is returned by readString() and readByteArray(), with either the contents of the string that was read or an indication that the parsing is done or found an error.


This enumeration contains all possible CBOR types as decoded by QCborStreamReader. CBOR has 7 major types, plus a number of simple types carrying no value, and floating point values.