Module qdk_sim::linalg[][src]

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Provides common linear algebra functions and traits.


Represent types that can be conjugated by 2-dimensional arrays; that is, as $UXU^{\dagger}$.

Represents types that have hermitian conjugates (e.g.: $A^\dagger$ for a matrix $A$ is defined as the complex conjugate transpose of $A$, $(A^\dagger)_{ij} = A_{ji}^*$).

The tensor product operator ($\otimes$).

Represents types for which the trace can be computed.


Given an array representing an operator acting on single-qubit states, returns a new operator that acts on $n$-qubit states.

Given a view of an array representing a matrix acting on two-qubit states, extends that array to act on $n$ qubits.

Given a two-index array (i.e.: a matrix) of dimensions 2^n × 2^n for some n, permutes the left and right indices of the matrix. Used to represent, for example, swapping qubits in a register.

Returns a new array of the same type and shape as a given array, but containing only zeros.