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BitReader wraps bytes during decompression, enabling a decompressor to read bit-level information and maintain its position in the bytes.

BitWriter builds a Vec<usize>, enabling a compressor to write bit-level information and ultimately output a Vec<u8>.

The metadata of a .qco file chunk.

Converts vectors of numbers into compressed bytes.

All the settings you can specify about compression.

A whole chunk of decompressed data - both the metadata and the numbers it contained.

Converts compressed bytes into Flags, ChunkMetadata, and vectors of numbers.

All the settings you can specify about decompression.

The configuration stored in a .qco file’s header.

A pairing of a Huffman code with a numerical range.


A low-level, stateful way to decompress small batches of numbers at a time.

A wrapper for prefixes in the two cases cases: delta encoded or not.