python-config-rs 0.1.2

Python distribution information via python3-config. This crate provides a Rust interface to your system's Python distribution information. Our goal is for this to be useful in build scripts, or in any application where getting the Python include directories, linker flags, or compile flags is necessary. This crate also provides a reimplementation of python3-config, the script, that can query configuration information about your distribution. The binary only needs a Python interpreter. We show that our binary is API compatible with existing `python3-config` scripts. See the repsitory for more project information.
Build #140905 2019-02-03T21:00:28.582357+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.34.0-nightly (d8a0dd7ae 2019-01-28)
# version
cratesfyi 0.6.0 (b517745 2019-01-29)

# build log
Updating index
Downloading crates ...
Downloaded python-config-rs v0.1.2
Fresh semver-parser v0.7.0
Fresh semver v0.9.0
Documenting python-config-rs v0.1.2
Running `rustdoc --edition=2018 --crate-name python_config /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/ --cap-lints allow --color never -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20190128-1.34.0-nightly-d8a0dd7ae --static-root-path / --disable-per-crate-search --extern-html-root-url 'assert_cmd=' --extern-html-root-url 'semver=' -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern semver=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libsemver-7ede87b83dd70135.rmeta`
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.47s