pwninit 2.2.0

automate starting binary exploit challenges
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# `pwninit`

A tool for automating starting binary exploit challenges

## Features

- Set challenge binary to be executable
- Download a linker (`*`) that can segfaultlessly `LD_PRELOAD` the provided libc
- Download debug symbols and unstrip the libc
- Fill in a template pwntools solve script

## Usage

### Short version

Run `pwninit`

### Long version

Run `pwninit` in a directory with the relevant files and it will detect which ones are the binary, libc, and linker. If the detection is wrong, you can specify the locations with `--bin`, `--libc`, and `--ld`.

#### Custom `` template

If you don't like the default template, you can use your own. Just specify `--template-path <path>`. Check [](src/ for the template format. The names of the `exe`, `libc`, and `ld` bindings can be customized with `--template-bin-name`, `--template-libc-name`, and `--template-ld-name`.

##### Persisting custom ``

You can make `pwninit` load your custom template automatically by adding an alias to your `~/.bashrc`.

###### Example

alias pwninit='pwninit --template-path ~/.config/ --template-bin-name e'

## Install

### Arch Linux

Install [`pwninit`]( or
[`pwninit-bin`]( from the AUR.

### Download

You can download non-GMO statically-linked [musl](
binaries from the [releases page](

### Using cargo

cargo install pwninit

The binary will be placed in `~/.cargo/bin`.

Note that `openssl`, `liblzma`, and `pkg-config` are required for the build.

## Example

$ ls
hunter  readme

$ pwninit
bin: ./hunter
libc: ./

fetching linker
unstripping libc
setting ./ executable
writing stub

$ ls
hunter  readme

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

exe = ELF("./hunter")
libc = ELF("./")
ld = ELF("./")

context.binary = exe

def conn():
    if args.LOCAL:
        return process([ld.path, exe.path], env={"LD_PRELOAD": libc.path})
        return remote("addr", 1337)

def main():
    r = conn()

    # good luck pwning :)


if __name__ == "__main__":