ptyprocess 0.1.7

A library for cutting a string while preserving colors.

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A library provides an interface for a PTY/TTY.

The library provides a sync and async IO operations for communication. To be able to use async you must provide a feature flag [async] and turn off default features default-features = false.

The library was developed as a backend for a If you're interested in a high level operations may you'd better take a look at zhiburt/expectrl.


use ptyprocess::PtyProcess;
use std::process::Command;
use std::io::{Read, Write};

fn main() {
    // spawn a cat process
    let mut process = PtyProcess::spawn(Command::new("cat")).expect("failed to spawn a process");

    // write message to cat.
    process.write_all(b"hello cat\n").expect("failed to write");

    // read what cat produced.
    let mut buf = vec![0; 128];
    let size = buf).expect("failed to read");
    assert_eq!(&buf[..size], b"hello cat\r\n");

    // stop process
    let sucess = process.exit(true).expect("failed to exit");
    assert_eq!(sucess, true);


use ptyprocess::PtyProcess;
use std::process::Command;

async fn main() {
   // spawns a cat process
   let mut process = PtyProcess::spawn(Command::new("cat")).expect("failed to spawn a process");

   // sends line to cat
   process.send_line("hello cat").await.expect("failed writing");