[][src]Crate pseudo_encrypt

This module provides a native-Rust generic implementation of the pseudo-random generator based on Postgresql's pseudo_encrypt.

The pseudo_encrypt implementation provided maps 1 to 1 wih the orgininal Psql implementation for 32-bit values


let input_expected: Vec<(i32, i32)> = vec![
    (-10, -1270576520),
    (-9, -236348969),
    (-8, -1184061109),
    (-7, -25446276),
    (-6, -1507538963),
    (-5, -518858927),
    (-4, -1458116927),
    (-3, -532482573),
    (-2, -157973154),
    (-1, -1105881908),
    (0, 1777613459),
    (1, 561465857),
    (2, 436885871),
    (3, 576481439),
    (4, 483424269),
    (5, 1905133426),
    (6, 971249312),
    (7, 1926833684),
    (8, 735327624),
    (9, 1731020007),
    (10, 792482838),
for (input, expected) in input_expected {
    let r = pseudo_encrypt(input);
    assert_eq!(expected, r);

Integers represented with more bits are also supported out of the box


let r = pseudo_encrypt(u128::MAX);
assert_eq!(340282366920938384363736019365210866432, r);

For more information, see the Psql documentation for pseudo_encrypt





Function that acts as a pseudo-random generator of unique values. It produces an integer output that is uniquely associated to its integer input (by a mathematical permutation), but looks random at the same time, with zero collision