Crate prototty [] [src]

A library for defining and displaying terminal user interfaces.

A user interface consists of:

  • a data structure encapsulating the state of the user interface
  • logic for rendering the data structure

To create a user interface, define a type which represents the user interface's state, and implement the View trait for it.

Basic Usage

Here's a tiny example that renders a character in the top-left corner of the terminal for half a second.

extern crate cgmath;
extern crate prototty;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use cgmath::Vector2;
use prototty::{Context, View, ViewGrid, ViewCell};

struct ExampleState {
  character: char,

impl View for ExampleState {
  fn view<G: ViewGrid>(&self, offset: Vector2<i16>, depth: i16, grid: &mut G) {
    if let Some(cell) = grid.get_mut(Vector2::new(0, 0)) {
      cell.update(self.character, depth);

fn main() {
  let mut ctx = Context::new().expect("Failed to initialize context");
  let state = ExampleState {
    character: 'a',
  ctx.render(&state).expect("Failed to render");


Modular User Interfaces

It's easy to construct complex user interfaces by combining simple user interface elements. The view method defined for complex user interfaces can call the view methods of its constituent user interface elements with appropriate offsets.

extern crate cgmath;
extern crate prototty;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use cgmath::Vector2;
use prototty::{Context, View, ViewGrid, ViewCell};

// Renders a single line of text
struct SimpleText {
  text: String,

impl View for SimpleText {
  fn view<G: ViewGrid>(&self, offset: Vector2<i16>, depth: i16, grid: &mut G) {
    for (i, character) in self.text.chars().enumerate() {
      let coord = offset + Vector2::new(i, 0).cast();
      if let Some(cell) = grid.get_mut(coord) {
        cell.update(character, depth);

// Renders two lines of text
struct ComplexText {
  first: SimpleText,
  second: SimpleText,

impl View for ComplexText {
  fn view<G: ViewGrid>(&self, offset: Vector2<i16>, depth: i16, grid: &mut G) {
    self.first.view(offset + Vector2::new(1, 1), depth, grid);
    self.second.view(offset + Vector2::new(1, 3), depth, grid);

fn main() {
  let mut ctx = Context::new().expect("Failed to initialize context");
  let state = ComplexText {
    first: SimpleText { text: "hello".to_string() },
    second: SimpleText { text: "world".to_string() },
  ctx.render(&state).expect("Failed to render");


Common Elements

Some common user interface elements are implemented in a separate crate: prototty_elements



An interface to a terminal for rendering Views, and getting input.



An input event



Defines how to render a type to the terminal.


A buffered terminal output cell.


A grid of cells which implement ViewCell.


Allows a ui element to report its size.

Type Definitions
