Crate protocol

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Simple packet-based protocol definitions in Rust.

  • The Parcel trait defines any type that can be serialized to a connection.
  • The wire module deals with transmission of Parcels.


Contains newtypes over the standard library types that support finer-grained serialization settings.
Stream-based and datagram-based communication implementations.


Defines a type built out of other Parcel types.
Defines a new middleware pipeline that implements Pipeline.
Defines a new struct-based packet.
Defines a packet kind enum.
Implements Parcel for some struct.


Copy of CharTryFromError that works in stable rust
The Error type.
Copy of TryFromIntError that works in stable rust


Specifies the byte order of data transfer.
The kind of an error.


A value which can be read and written.
Additional methods for Result, for easy interaction with this crate.

Type Definitions

The default byte ordering.