macro_rules! label_enum {
    ($(#[$attr:meta])* enum $N:ident { $($(#[$var_attr:meta])* $V:ident),* $(,)* }) => { ... };
    ($(#[$attr:meta])* pub enum $N:ident { $($(#[$var_attr:meta])* $V:ident),* $(,)* }) => { ... };
    ($(#[$attr:meta])* pub ($($vis:tt)+) enum $N:ident { $($(#[$var_attr:meta])* $V:ident),* $(,)* }) => { ... };
Expand description

Declare an enum intended to be used as a Prometheus label.

This helper macro can only be used to define enums consisting of tags without values. Each tag corresponds to a possible Prometheus label value. The macro then generates two functions, as_str and all_variants, as described in the example below. Those funtions are intended to assist in implementing the Labels trait for a label struct that contains the enum, ensuring a consistent conversion to strings for label values, and that all possible variants are included when implementing possible_label_values.


When using the macro, define exactly one enum inside, as you would normally:

label_enum! {
    pub(crate) enum MyErrorLabel {

The macro will declare the enum exactly as provided. But in addition, it will generate two functions:

impl MyErrorLabel {
    /// The name of this enum variant, as a string slice.
    pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str { ... }

    /// A vector containing one instance of each of the enum's variants.
    pub fn all_variants() -> Vec<Self> { ... }