Crate product_os_router

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  • Extractor for getting connection information from a client.
  • Route to services and handlers based on HTTP methods.
  • Extractor that parses multipart/form-data requests commonly used with file uploads.
  • Extractor that will get captures from the URL and parse them using serde.
  • Rejection response types.
  • Handle WebSocket connections.





  • Route requests with the given handler regardless of the method.
  • Route requests to the given service regardless of its method.
  • Route DELETE requests to the given handler.
  • Route DELETE requests to the given service.
  • Create a middleware from an extractor.
  • Create a middleware from an extractor with the given state.
  • Create a middleware from an async function.
  • Create a middleware from an async function with the given state.
  • Route GET requests to the given handler.
  • Route GET requests to the given service.
  • Route HEAD requests to the given handler.
  • Route HEAD requests to the given service.
  • Create a middleware from an async function that transforms a request.
  • Create a middleware from an async function that transforms a request, with the given state.
  • Create a middleware from an async function that transforms a response.
  • Create a middleware from an async function that transforms a response, with the given state.
  • Route requests with the given method to the handler.
  • Route requests with the given method to the service.
  • Route OPTIONS requests to the given handler.
  • Route OPTIONS requests to the given service.
  • Route PATCH requests to the given handler.
  • Route PATCH requests to the given service.
  • Route POST requests to the given handler.
  • Route POST requests to the given service.
  • Route PUT requests to the given handler.
  • Route PUT requests to the given service.
  • Returns a new ServiceFn with the given closure.
  • Route TRACE requests to the given handler.
  • Route TRACE requests to the given service.